First (1st) Grade Language Arts Worksheets – A Novel Collection

March 7, 2022 by admin

First grade learners have a basic understanding of language. From their education that they gained in kindergarten, they should have familiarity and be proficient in understanding their letters and sounds, how to write their name, and the ability to decode and spell basic CVC words.

When they first enter the school building in kindergarten, they begin to learn what language is! They learn that there are other ways to communicate information beyond talking and the elements of words/sentences.

In first grade, this is really expanded upon and they begin to use language more independently to communicate on their own.

Here at we have every resource you could possibly need to teach the language standards that are necessary for each first grade learner to know. The worksheets are pulled and curated by teachers and professionals to hit on exactly what children need to grow in the area of language.

Throughout this article you will find out what each first grade teacher should know about teaching language, first grade language standards, and the standard’s coordinating worksheets.

[Infographic] – What Every First Grade Teacher Should Know About Language!

What every teacher should know about First Grade Language

Language Skills Each First Grader Should Know!

The ELA standards identify a set of skills students must master in first grade. These skills are broken up into categories that include Conventions of Standard English, Conventions and Vocabulary Acquisition and Use.

These skills are so important to a child’s success as a reader and writer and teachers and parents can use worksheets provided by to support the growth of their language skills.

Conventions of Standard English

Conventions of Standard English is what we call in education an  “umbrella category” for a lot of the norms of speaking and writing that we do each and every day. Here at, we have curated worksheets that practice and access each of these standards.

Below you will find each of the standards addressed in this category of conventions as well as linked worksheets that address this specific skill. 

Even if some of these worksheets look above your child’s/student’s individual level, you can complete these tasks with them orally or with support. That is developmentally appropriate for a first grade learner, especially when learning new skills!

The worksheets and ideas found in these links can be a good guide to see what the norms are in the English language and how to ensure your child/student has success in the understanding of those conventions.

[Downloads] – Worksheet Titles

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use:

Many students in primary grades have a very limited vocabulary. Depending on how much conversation is taking place at home, the words that children know in first grade can not be very broad. Word choice is very limited for the average first grade child when they enter the classroom. When it comes to content-specific vocabulary, they do not have a lot of background knowledge at this point. In first grade they are focusing on learning to read where in later grades it will shift to reading to learn. In first grade it is important that they learn that there are other words out there to describe the world around them beyond the ones that they may use everyday. At there are worksheets that address each and every skill that is necessary for the first grade learner to master. Below are a list of those curated worksheets linked in reference to each first grade standard for your selection:

[Downloads] – Worksheet Titles

These worksheets from can help your child grow in their vocabulary. These worksheets can be used as a tool to guide conversation with your first grader.

Not each worksheet needs to be filled out and done independently by your first grader. If you notice that they are struggling, try completing the activity with some support and prompting.

You Can Trust!

A strong language base helps children understand the world around them and be able to communicate about it. It is important for them to have the skills and strategies necessary to express their thoughts in a way that is understood by others.

By growing their understanding of language, they will be better prepared for their schooling years to come. is filled with many informational resources to help each child grow their language skills!

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