82 Simple preSent: pArt 1 LEARN 4 Circle the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence. 1. Doctor Moffett love / loves his job. 2. He study / studies ants. 3. A salesperson sell / sells products for a company. 4. You and Anita work / works on weekends. 5. Nurses help / helps people. 6. We write / writes science books. 7. Our office close / closes at 7:00 p.m.
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Preview and Download !Speech Worksheets For Grade 5 ... They said, “We have homework.” ... They said that they took yoga classes. He says that he is happy. She says that she eats an apple a day. She says that she sang a song. He says that he wants to buy that book. She says that everybody was there.
https://url.theworksheets.com/3cf3581 Downloads
Preview and Download !Do yoga. Comfort Item: Hold onto or wrap yourself in something comforting – a blanket, jacket, scarf, stuffed animal – anything that helps you feel more comfortable. Imagery: Look at and direct your attention towards picture or photograph of a beautiful and calming scene
https://url.theworksheets.com/20gw108 Downloads
Preview and Download !2. Record on the Homework Record Form each time you listen to the tape. Also, make a note of anything that comes up in the homework, so that we can talk about it at the next meeting. 3. Choose one routine activity in your daily life and make a deliberate effort to bring moment-to-moment awareness to that activity each time you do it,just as we did
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Preview and Download !• Super Stretch Yoga –(free) super hero stretching and yoga • Jump Froggy Jump –(free) –exercises that coordinate with movements between the student and the iPad which creates an interactive gameYuvi • Story Aerobics –(free version = 1 episode), $7.99 all episodes and reinforcement. This app creates exercises to
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Preview and Download !Pray Meditate Rituals Yoga Exercise Play Work Service Other (indicate here) _____ Say out loud “I LOVE MY LIFE” the louder the better (let everyone know it) CHECK OFF BOXES Morning Readings from the Big Book ON AWAKENING let us think about the twenty-four hours ahead. We consider our ...
https://url.theworksheets.com/3psc213 Downloads
Preview and Download !2. For homework, you are going to find out more information about one of your resolutions. Tell your partner which one you have chosen and why. Example: will help you relax. I don’t eat enough healthy food. I’m going to eat more fruit and vegetables and drink less coffee. What about you? I’m going to try and get more sleep. I’m going to
https://url.theworksheets.com/3psd126 Downloads
Preview and Download !playing badminton or doing yoga. Aim for fun, not more work. 2. Start small. Commit to 10 minutes of exercise a day or add exercise to your daily routine (like walking to school or doing push-ups in your room). 3. Get outside. The sun provides a mood “pick me up” of its own, producing serotonin in the brain. Take a walk outside or go ...
https://url.theworksheets.com/30d477 Downloads
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