ANSWER KEY Syllables Read each word and write the syllables on the lines. 1. airplane _____air_____ _____plane_____ _____ 2. wonderful won der ful 3. highway high way 4. sand sand 5. dinner din ner 6. rainbow rain bow 7. calendar cal en dar 8. porcupine por cu pine 9. computer com pu ter 10. globe globe 11. alphabet al pha bet 12. money mon ey 13. December De cem ber 14. basketball bas ket ball Downloads
Preview and Download !A syllable is a word or part of a word with a vowel sound. The number of the vowel sounds heard in a word will determine the number of syllables the word will have. Complete the chart below to find the number of syllables for each word. Vowels Seen Vowels Heard # of Syllables 1. table a, e 1 1 2. sailboat a, i, o, a 2 2 3. running u, i 2 2 Downloads
Preview and Download !A freely photocopiable printable written by Liz Regan © ! Pronunciation Syllables 3 Worksheet ! Pre-Intermediate Downloads
Preview and Download !Syllable Zoo Divide each word by putting a slash (/) symbol between each syllable. On the space provided, write how many syllables each word has. Use a dictionary if you're not sure where to divide the syllables. example: a n / i / mal 3 p e n / g u i n 2 1. e l / e / p h a n t 3 2. z e / b r a 2 3. l i / o n 2 4. s k u n k 1 5. w a l / r u s 2 Downloads
Preview and Download !Super Teacher Worksheets - ANSWER KEY KH book desk kids learn lunch math read school snack think write apple classroom friendship pencil quiet music ... Read each word above and determine if it has one syllable or two. Write the word in the correct column. One Syllable Two Syllables learn lunch math music pencil ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Reading and Math for K-5 © Syllables Valentine’s Day Worksheet Circle the number of syllables for each word. Downloads
Preview and Download !Six Syllable Types syllable type hint example Printable Worksheets @ Name : A main long vowel is followed by a silent “e” sound . Long sound e bone Silent-e Syllable VCe An “r” controls the sound of the vowel that is before it. Bossy R ar pur se R-Controlled Syllable followed by r a vowel A consonant + letters Downloads
Preview and Download !Syllable - Sort Sort the words in the word box according to their syllable type. ... Name : Printable Worksheets @ Syllable - Sort Sort the words in the word box according to their syllable type. paper tulip silence tiger ice stone plate cube mail seed eat moist bed pencil match stop simple ice eat park tulip bubble ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Explain that an unstressed syllable may have a schwa vowel sound—the sound in the first syllable of about and the second syllable of famous. Explain that any vowel letter and many combinations of vowel letters can spell the schwa sound. • Display three-syllable words, such as those shown. Guide students to read each word, syllable by syllable. Downloads
Preview and Download !Name: _____ Syllables V/CV – Divide before the consonant if the first vowel has a long sound. example: zebra ze/bra VC/V – Divide after the consonant if the first vowel Downloads
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