THE POINT: TL recall, pronunciation, and speaking Materials: One set of picture flash cards for each group 1. Arrange students into small group circles on the floor. 2. Each group arranges their set of picture flash cards in the middle of the circle. 3. The teacher calls out a word, phrase, or description. The first student to tap or hit Downloads
Preview and Download !ACCENTUATION OF SPANISH WORDS Accent marks on Spanish serve as a pronunciation aid. The accented syllable receives the greatest stress. By mastering a few simple rules, you will be able to determine whether a word needs an accent mark and where to place it. Rule 1 Most words ending in a consonant, except N or S, are naturally stressed on the last Downloads
Preview and Download !The Spanish Minor requires a minimum of 18 upper-division credits listed under SPAN. (Option 1 students will take 21 credits.) At least 6 credits have to be taken at the University of Utah. All courses must be passed with a grade of C or better. CR/NC may NOT be ... • SPAN 5242 Spanish Pronunciation and Phonetics (3) Downloads
Preview and Download !6 Example infinitive g fi jo coger (to pick, take) cojo escoger (to choose) escojo proteger (to protect) protejo dirigir (to manage) dirijo exigir (to demand) exijo 2. Stem-Changing Verbs The following verbs are irregular in the stem when conjugated, except* in the nosotros and vosotros forms. Example e fi ie o fi ue e fi i cerrar (to close) dormir (to sleep) pedir (to ask) Downloads
Preview and Download !342 Book IV: Spanish at Work Table 1-2 (continued) English Spanish Pronunciation nose la nariz lah nah-rees tongue la lengua lah lehn-gooah tonsils las amígdalas lahs ah-meeg-dah-lahs Arm and Hand Words arm el brazo ehl bvrah-soh elbow el codo ehl koh-doh finger el dedo ehl deh-doh finger (forefinger) el dedo índice ehl deh-doh een-dee-seh finger (little) el dedo meñique ehl deh-doh meh ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Someone who can read Modern Spanish can learn to read Old Spanish with very little difficulty. The difference is much less stark than between Modern English and Old English. Beginning at the end of the 15th century, the expansion of the Spanish Empire took Spanish beyond Spain’s borders --- to the Americas, parts of Downloads
Preview and Download !PRONUNCIATION FOR SPEAKERS OF SPANISH, LEARNERS OF PORTUGUESE Antônio Roberto Monteiro Simões . University of Kansas . This chapter contrasts the basic and most relevant pronunciation features of Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. It is designed for speakers of Spanish who wish to learn Portuguese as well as for teachers with an interest in ... Downloads
Preview and Download !English-Zone.Com Pronunciation Worksheet final –ed: [t] [d] [\d] -ANSWER KEY-1. Use /t/ after unvoiced final sounds f, k, p, s, tß (ch), ß (sh), † (th) Downloads
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