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THE SOLAR SYSTEM UNIT OVERVIEW Our solar system is home to Earth and seven other planets. Each planet rotates on its axis while revolving around the Sun. Each planet has unique characteristics and qualities that set it apart from the others. The Sun keeps this complex arrangement in order. The Solar System unit reveals detailed Downloads
Preview and Download !The Inner Solar System By Leslie Cargile The inner solar system is the name of the terrestrial planets and asteroid belt. Terrestrial is just a fancy way of saying rocky. Like the Earth, terrestrial planets have a core of iron and rock. At the center of the solar system is the Sun. The Sun is a big ball of hydrogen powered by nuclear reactions. Downloads
Preview and Download !Cross-Curricular Reading Comprehension Worksheets: E-22 of 36 Earth is just one of the planets in our solar system. Planets are large bodies that rotate around the sun. They refl ect its light and warmth. The planets that are located closest to the sun are made out of rocky material. They are relatively small and heavy. Downloads
Preview and Download !a. There are planets in the solar system. six / eight / ten b. The is in the middle of the solar system. volcano / sun / planet c. is green and blue. Mercury / Venus / Earth d. is a red planet with a volcano. Mercury / Uranus / Mars e. has rings. Saturn / Venus / Mars f. is very cold. Neptune / Venus / Earth 4. Write and draw! Which planet do ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Learn about the planets, dwarf planets, moons, and other objects in our solar system with this fun scavenger hunt activity. Download and print the PDF file and answer the questions using the fact cards. This is a great way to explore the wonders of space with your students. Downloads
Preview and Download !Now known: Solar system has 165 moons, one star, eight planets (added Uranus and Neptune), eight asteroids and more than 100 Kuiper belt objects more than 300 km in diameter, smaller asteroids, comets, and meteoroids 6.1 An Inventory of the Solar System Early astronomers knew: Moon, stars, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, comets, and meteors Downloads
Preview and Download !The Inner Solar System By Leslie Cargile The inner solar system is the name of the terrestrial planets and asteroid belt. Terrestrial is just a fancy way of saying rocky. Like the Earth, terrestrial planets have a core of iron and rock. At the center of the solar system is the Sun. The Sun is a big ball of hydrogen powered by nuclear reactions. Downloads
Preview and Download !Super Teacher Worksheets - Solar System Planets Not Planets Cut out the solar system pictures. Decide if the picture is a planet or not a planet. Glue each picture in the correct column. Cut out each picture along the dotted line. Earth Saturn Moon Downloads
Preview and Download !The Inner Solar System By Leslie Cargile The inner solar system is the name of the terrestrial planets and asteroid belt. Terrestrial is just a fancy way of saying rocky. Like the Earth, terrestrial planets have a core of iron and rock. At the center of the solar system is the Sun. The Sun is a big ball of hydrogen powered by nuclear reactions. Downloads
Preview and Download !Solar System Crossword Across 1. warmest planet; cloudy planet 5. to turn on an axis 12. place where astronauts live and work in space 13. number of planets in our solar system 14. Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the... 15. planet with the brightest rings 16. number of stars in our solar system 17. planet that rotates on its side Downloads
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