Unit 3: Map Skills Subject Social Studies Grade Kindergarten Unit Map Skills Suggested Timeline September one lesson (to align with Journey’s text, “My School Bus” Grade Level Summary The Kindergarten Social Studies curriculum focuses on giving students a broad understanding of local history, geography, economics and community members.
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Preview and Download !Section A: Self-Awareness Activities I. Self-awareness —accurately assessing one’s feelings, interests, values, and strengths; maintaining a well-grounded sense of self-confidence Activities: These activities are adapted from The Dove Self Esteem Fund . They are specifically directed towards young women in
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Preview and Download !a. Developing social interaction skills with peers. b. Sharing ideas with peers. c. Connecting ideas with reasons (evidence). d. Using multiple methods of communicating reasons/evidence (verbal, charts, graphs). Objective 3 Knowing in Science: Understanding the nature of science a. Ideas are supported by reasons. b.
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