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The social studies test covers 25% National (U.S. or Canadian) History (12–13 questions), 15% World History (7–8 questions), 15% Geography (7–8 questions), 25% Civics and Government ©2008 by . The GED Academy. You are licensed one copy of this document for personal use only. Any other Downloads
Preview and Download !What’s an example of a time when you were fully living into this value? Value 2: 1. What are one or two behaviors that support your value? 2. What are one or two slippery behaviors that are outside your value? 3. What’s an example of a time when you were fully living into this value? Answer the following questions to dig into your values: Downloads
Preview and Download !autism, AS can generally only be determined based on a child’s social interactions. Children with Asperger Syndrome show typical language development and often an above average vocabulary. However, you may have noticed that when your child interacts with others, he or she might use language skills inappropriately or awkwardly. Downloads
Preview and Download !organized the first women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848. Together, Stanton and Anthony led the struggle for a woman’s right to vote. Anthony also wrote books and lectured to spread her beliefs. She devoted fifty years of her life to the woman's suffrage movement. Downloads
Preview and Download !This link provides Practice Social Skills with Worksheets for Kids. Includes Recipe for Making Friends, Pyramid of Friends, Responsibility Poem, Help Wanted: A Friend, My Qualities, Trust Me, Kinder and Friendlier, Nice Words Brainstorm, and Nice Words Word search. Downloads
Preview and Download !2 You’ll need to understand social studies concepts, use logic and reasoning, and draw conclusions (which is using your critical thinking skills in social studies). This study guide and the example questions in it will help you get an idea of what’ s going to be on the test. 3 You don’t need to know everything in this guide! Downloads
Preview and Download !This book contains activity worksheets that are exclusive with the author. Important: You have full permission to email, print, and distribute this e-book to ... Activity S-3 Social Interaction Secret Code Activity 11 Activity S-4 Social Interaction Word Search Puzzle 13 Downloads
Preview and Download !that they don’t have to suffer in silence. Explain that each participant’s support system will vary for each type of behavior. 3. JOURNALING Step 3 includes journaling questions to help participants reflect about their emotional reactions in the past. Encourage participants to write everything down in a journal. Remind them that words are ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Jessica’s friend Rachel gota dog the nextyear. Jessica gradually learned through experience that dogs weren’t always dangerous, and she began to feel less afraid. “Oh, say can you see…” Imagine that you were asked to sing the Star-Spangled Banneron opening day at Comerica Park. Would you be nervous? Downloads
Preview and Download !To effectively address a person’s co-occurring disorders, treatment must target the person’s stage of change, or motivation for recovery. Specific inter - ventions are most effective at the appropriate stage of treatment. In the first stage of treatment, engagement, the clinician’s goal is to develop Downloads
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