Context Clues Worksheets and printables. View the first 8 worksheets found for - 8 ° Grade Context Clues. Choose activity for any level, elementary through high school, which include different types of clues: Synonym, antonym, example, explanation, comparison and contrast. Showing the first 8 worksheets in the category -Context Clues What it ... Downloads
Preview and Download !context clues continued 8vlqjwkh xpsetjocpme dvfrqwh[wfoxhv flufohwkhehvwghilqlwlrq ehorziruwkhzrug xuedq lqwkhiroorzlqjvhqwhqfhv $ frxqwu\ % jurzlqj & lqqhu flw\ ' srru, pwkhvslulwriwkhxuedq\rxwk wkrvhzkrjuhzxssrrujouifdjuz 8vlqjwkhxpsetjocpmedvfrqwh[wfoxhv flufohwkhehvwghilqlwlrq Downloads
Preview and Download !words and phrases based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.2.4.A Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.2.6 Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and Downloads
Preview and Download !Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues Name Look at this example of context clues in a sentence. The underlined words help explain what select means. The king of Athens had to select one of these two. Read each sentence. Write the meaning of the word in bold print. Underline the context clues in the sentence that helped you. Downloads
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