threat. Lockdown drills are conducted in a trauma-informed manner to minimize potential re-traumatizing of students or staff. Lockdown drills are a specific safety drill to prepare students and staff to achieve maximum safety in the event of an internal threat such as intruder or active shooter in the school building Downloads
Preview and Download !Comprehensive School Safety Guide is designed to help simplify school emergency planning and guide school administrators and district emergency planning teams through the emergency planning process. The updated and revised Comprehensive School Safety Guide is the fourth edition of Minnesota’s guidance for school emergency planning. Downloads
Preview and Download !Sample Announced Lockdown Drill NOTIFICATION Tell the children that a lockdown drill is about to happen. Director or designee will announce “Lockdown” or other code word. ACTION If there are children playing outside, bring them inside. Go to the nearest room or the designated location away from danger. Bring disaster supplies to the designated safe place location. Downloads
Preview and Download !Included here are fifteen survival/preparedness drills (complements of Marion County, KS Fire Department) which will require two days each to complete. The first day of each drill will be used for training the necessary skills to complete the drill. The second day will be for holding an unannounced drill on the skills learned the previous day and Downloads
Preview and Download !School Safety and Crisis School Safety and Crisis 1 A resource from the National Association of School Psychologists │ │ 301-657-0270 │ 866-331-6277 Two Types of Lockdowns Full-Scale Lockdown. Lock/barricade doors, close blinds, cover windows, turn out lights, be silent, and make rooms seem Downloads
Preview and Download !School Location, Traffic Patterns and Protective Barriers Avondale Elementary School is located at 4000 8th Court South. Drop off and pick-up areas are located at the front of the building. One way school traffic enters from 42nd Street and exits on at Court. Teachers and staff monitor before and after school all areas. Downloads
Preview and Download !A partnership between the NWS and local school districts is essential to ensure that students and teachers are informed and prepared to take action when severe weather threatens. The information in this guide will assist you in using NWS products and resources to develop a severe weather emergency plan for your school. What to Expect From this ... Downloads
Preview and Download !- Daycare/Pre-School e-Learning - Sample initial parent letter and follow-up drill email in Appendix - Quick Guide (on the next page) Purpose These lesson plans will teach age-appropriate ALICE strategies to students in Daycare centers through Pre-Kindergarten. Course Timing These lessons are designed to be 30 minutes long. Downloads
Preview and Download !ward, the kitchen at Hardees, the school cafeteria, a zoo, a swamp late at night, inside somebody’s head. All eyes closed. When teacher taps student on head, ... this affliction, the intruder yells Taxi! Taxi! and exits.. then another intruder enters and the game goes on. Same afflictions: an itch, a tendency to shout everything, a tendency ... Downloads
Preview and Download !DISMISSAL- Ms. Pappy dismisses the class, not the bell or the clock. Clean up your area and gather all of your materials from your desk and the basket. Throw away all trash when lining up. Line up when you are told to do so along the wall in the back of the classroom. Be quiet when lining up. Walk into the hallway in an orderly fashion to the right by the lockers, but remember to Downloads
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