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to form. Rocks formed from lava have small mineral pieces and are called fine-grained. urface is called magma. Magma cools and hardens slowly. Its minerals can form large grains that are easy to see. Igneous rocks formed from slowly cooling magma are called coarse-grained. Sedimentary Rocks Material and weathered rock pieces drop to the bottoms of Downloads
Preview and Download !them the correct categorization for their rocks, and students would reflect on their experience. b. If you have less time, you may want to consider introducing the rock/mineral classification system using direct instruction, showing students plenty of visuals and, if possible, allowing them to observe actual examples of these rocks and minerals. Downloads
Preview and Download !Principle of superposition: Younger sedimentary rocks are deposited on top of older sedimentary rocks. Principle of cross-cutting relations: Any geologic feature is younger than anything else that it cuts across. Activity: U-235 Half Lives For this activity you will need to create 128 pieces (for each team) with U-235 on one side and Pb-207 on ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Complete the diagram by inserting the names of pairs of rocks from the list. Worksheet 9.5 remelting sedimentary rock weathering and erosion igneous rock metamorphic rock Top photo: Tyler Boyes / Left photo: michal812 / Right photo: Tyler Boyes / Downloads
Preview and Download !Super Teacher Worksheets - Name: Find the following words in the puzzle. Words are hidden and . Rocks & Minerals Word Search 400294 AGATE AMETHYST CALCITE DIAMOND EMERALD FELDSPAR GARNET GRANITE JASPER LIMESTONE MICA OBSIDIAN PYRITE QUARTZ RUBY SAPPHIRE SLATE TOPAZ F E L D S P A R C J G R A N I T E A C A L T M D I A L Downloads
Preview and Download !When Earth's tectonic plates move around, they produce heat. When they collide, they build mountains and metamorphose (met-ah-MORE-foes) the rock. The rock cycle continues. Mountains made of metamorphic rocks can be broken up and washed away by streams. New sediments from these mountains can make new sedimentary rock. Downloads
Preview and Download !“Let’s make a rock band,” said Beth. “Great,” said Rob. “I can play the drums.” He hit the drums. Rat a tat tat. Kim smiled. “I will play the guitar.” Downloads
Preview and Download !LESSON 1: MINERALS AND ROCKS. Objectives. Identify minerals by their properties. Discuss the formation of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Main Idea. crust is made of minerals that have different properties. Downloads
Preview and Download !Igneous Rocks intense When rocks underground become exposed to the heat resulting from geological processes occurring in the earth's interior, they can actually melt. Melted, or molten rock located below the ground level is called magma surface through volcanic activity it is called but if melted rock becomes exposed on the earth's lava Downloads
Preview and Download !Rocks Answer Key Name : Printable Worksheets @ 3) De!ne the term mineral. Minerals are solid substances found in nature and are formed by geological processes. They have a de!nite chemical composition and an ordered atomic arrangement. Downloads
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