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Protecting your identity online Name: Date: Class: BUILDING BLOCKS STUDENT WORKSHEET. Protecting your identity online Identity theft is when someone uses your personal information — such as your name, Social Security number, or credit card number — without your permission. Downloads
Preview and Download !Always ask yourself – what is on my profile and who can see it? KNOW YOUR FRIENDS, CONTACTS, AND FOLLOWERS. These are the people who can see, share, and comment on what you post so you want to be sure you can trust them. Block and report anyone who makes harassing, threatening, or inappropriate comments. KEEP AN EYE ON 3RD PARTY AND CONNECTED ... Downloads
Preview and Download !X Activity 1: Watch the “Protect Yourself” Videos (Requirement 1) • Make sure that everyone in the den can see the monitor you are showing the video on. Make sure to check the sound so everyone can hear. X Activity 2: The Protect Yourself Rules (Requirement 2) • Pass out copies of the Protect Yourself Rules worksheet to each Webelos Scout. Downloads
Preview and Download !It is important to set boundaries with yourself as well as with others. You may have difficulty saying “no” to yourself. For example, you promise yourself you won’t smoke pot, but then you do. You may overindulge in food, sex, or other addictions. You may say you won’t go back to an abusive partner, but then you do. Downloads
Preview and Download !Thinking | Connection | Character 9 Worksheet 4 This is where our water goes Discuss your findings with your group and answer these quesons. 1. Downloads
Preview and Download !this graphic, maybe you place yourself using five separate dots, maybe your identity needs a circle around one large area, or more. We give you the freedom to mark the map one way today, and an entirely different way tomorrow, a month, or a year from now. Your identity may shift fluidly or stay the same. All experiences are welcome here! Agender/ Downloads
Preview and Download !A-Keep it to yourself and forget about it . B-Call the county board of health . C-Notify your employer first and then OSHA if necessary D-Go straight to OSHA . 8. How can a worker find out what chemical is in a product they use? A-Ask your supervisor . B-Look on the label . Downloads
Preview and Download !•(2) Develop new ways of Taking Care of yourself. •Recognize that you have legitimate needs and stressors, and that it’s completely acceptable to take care of yourself. •(3) Develop new ways of Relatingto others. •Be mindful of old, unhealthy patterns of communicating and practice new ways of relating to your family members. Downloads
Preview and Download !Weigh yourself first thing in the morning . for the most accurate results and record : the number. 240 pounds: Determine 5% of your current weight. Take off last digit of your weight: 24 Divide in half: 12 . To lose 5%, a 240-pound person would . need to lose 12 pounds. Downloads
Preview and Download !NOTE — John and Susan are continuing to develop and refine their tools and worksheets. To get ongoing support, visit, where you can get free, printable versions of the exercises, ... were instructed in chapter 8 to circle for yourself in this workbook’s section titled “Reactive Behaviors” (page 8 ... Downloads
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