Onomatopoeia Worksheet 1 . Directions: Read each sentence and circle the onomatopoeic word. Also explain what makes this noise. 1. During a dangerous mission on the foreign planet, Spaceman Spiff zapped the alien with his ray-gun. What made the noise? _____ 2. As Daryl was gargling his mouthwash, he regretted starting his day with orange juice.
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Preview and Download !Onomatopoeia Worksheet 3 Directions: Read each sentence and circle the onomatopoeic word. Also explain what makes this noise. l. The trees in the wind and the hail pattered the tin gutter. What made the noise? 2. Big pat did a cannonball in the pool and made a big splash that got everybody on the poolside wet. What made the noise? 3.
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Preview and Download !Identify the onomatopoeia in each sentence by underlining the words that imitate sounds. There may be more than one example in each sentence. 1. Alone in the house, Sara became alarmed when she heard a thumping noise overhead, and the thud of someone coming down the stairs. 2. The dead leaves on the ground rustled in the cool, crisp fall wind.
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Preview and Download !Onomatopoeia Worksheet 2 . Directions: Read each sentence and circle the onomatopoeic word. Also explain what makes this noise. 1. When Mom asked Tommy how his day went, Tommy just grunted. What made the noise? _____ 2. The best part about music class is that you can bang on the drum. What made the noise? _____ 3.
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Preview and Download !ONOMATOPOEIA. They are words that imitate the sound they represent. Poets use onomatopoeia or these sound words more than most people. There are many reasons for this: onomatopoeia can help to create a sense of place and setting, can convey a certain tone, can make the writing more vivid, and so on.
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Preview and Download !ANSWERS--Onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia is the term for a word that is made from a sound. Example: cock-a-doodle-doo (sound for a rooster crowing) Woof (sound for a dog barking) Exercise: Write an onomatopoeia word for the sound that each of these animals makes. Answers may vary—plausible answers should be accepted.
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Preview and Download !Onomatopoeia Worksheet 3 . Directions: Read each sentence and circle the onomatopoeic word. Also explain what makes this noise. 1. The trees shook in the wind and the hail pattered the tin gutter. What made the noise? _____ 2. Big Pat did a cannonball in the pool and made a big splash that got everybody on the poolside wet. What made the noise ...
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Preview and Download !An onomatopoeia is a !gure of speech in which a word imitates the natural sound of a thing. The word ªbuzzº, for example, refers to a humming sound like ... Printable Worksheets @ www.mathworksheets4kids.com Name : Onomatopoeia. Complete each sentence with an appropriate onomatopoeic word from the box. 7) 5) 6) 8) 9) 10)
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Preview and Download !Rewrite each sentence using an onomatopoeia, making the description more expressive. Example: I woke up to the call of the rooster. I woke up to the cock-a-doodle-do of the rooster. 1) The water faucet in the kitchen is leaking. There's water dripping from the faucet in the kitchen. 2) Rhea was so upset that she was talking to herself.
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Preview and Download !An onomatopoeia (pronounced: on-oh-MAT-oh-pea-uh) is a word that imitates the sound that it describes. How many onomatopoeia can you find in this poem? Onomatopoeia by Lill Pluta An onomatopoeia is a very special thing. It’s a word like quack or flutter, or oink or boom or zing. It sounds just like its meaning, for example snort and hum.
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