Using This Book (For the professional, continued) (Continued on the next page) The Teen Choices Workbook is designed to help teens engage in self-reflection, examine personal thoughts and feelings that go into the decisions they have made, and learn valuable Downloads
Preview and Download !Social-civic activities Paid service providers Lesure- recreation Church A Relationship Map is a way to diagram a social network and can show us why it is important to work on community connections. Here are four steps to filling it in — 1. If you were doing a map for yourself, YOU are in the middle 2. Downloads
Preview and Download !making initial eye contact, the next thing we want to do is to trade information. What does it mean to trade information? (1) Talking back and of forth with another person (2) Having a conversation in which everyone gets a turn (3) A form of communication Trading information is what two (or more) people do when they are getting to know each other. Downloads
Preview and Download !have physically separated you from one another, making it hard to communicate and creating lots of problems that take up your time and energy You can take simple, concrete steps to rebuild your social connections and reach out to the people in your life whom you may not have thought of as supports. 1. Develop a Social Connections Map Downloads
Preview and Download !Social Wellness Checklist MAKE CONNECTIONS Social connections might help protect KHDOWK DQG OHQJWKHQ OLIH 6FLHQWLVWV DUH QGLQJ WKDW RXU OLQNV WR RWKHUV FDQ KDYH SRZHUIXO HIIHFWV RQ RXU KHDOWK :KHWKHU with family, friends, neighbors, romantic partners, or others, social connections FDQ LQ tXHQFH RXU ELRORJ\ DQG ZHOO EHLQJ Downloads
Preview and Download !healthy social relationships that support your recovery and to participate in health-promoting leisure and work-related activities. We will be talking about how to do this in today’s group. First though it is important to identi-fy those social relationships that are unhealthy and what unhealthy activi-ties are involved in these relationships. Downloads
Preview and Download !Making the Connection Part One SCENARIO 1: You’ve had a rather long and tiring day at work where you were helping a colleague move boxes of stationery and office equipment. You arrive home to find the front door ajar and two sets of muddy footprints (your son’s and his dog’s) on your cream-coloured carpet leading from the front door all the Downloads
Preview and Download !Having unmet social needs is a very common root cause of distress in the 21st century. Here’s how this planner aims to help you: Unmet Social Need Relevant Tools To connect with like-minded people who share the same opinions, ideas, interests, personalities or experiences as you » Social Networking Resources (pages 3-4) Downloads
Preview and Download !Worksheets. Advance Care Planning Making Future Health Care Decisions Advance care planning is the process of thinking about, and writing down, your wishes or ... Social Connections (link) Volunteering (link) Age-friendly Communities (link) Planning for Healthy Aging (link) Downloads
Preview and Download !Review: Making it Happen! Promoting social emotional development requires a comprehensive approach that includes building positive . relationships by: • positively interacting with young children, • supporting children’s development of secure attachments, and • making deposits into children’s emotional bank. Downloads
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