Possessive Nouns Scavenger Hunt Activity Materials: Possessive nouns worksheets (pages 6-7) 16 possessive nouns cards (pages 2-5) Tape and scissors Preparation: Print the possessive noun cards on card stock or brightly-colored paper and cut them out along the dotted lines. Make copies of the worksheets. Each student will need his or her own copy.
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Preview and Download !Rule 2. Possessive adjectivesare my, your, his, her, its, our, their.Possessive adjectives occur before a noun (my car)or an adjective + noun (my new car). Rule 3. Possessive adjectives have no singular or plural. They are used with both singular and plural nouns (my book, my books). BE CAREFUL! Comparing Subject Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives
https://url.theworksheets.com/7crz249 Downloads
Preview and Download !To make a singular or plural noun possessive, add an apostrophe followed by an s. e.g., my uncle’s hat Montana’s mountains the boy’s hand the children’s toys Joe’s car Rules for nouns ending in s Use the sound of the word to form its possessive. o If the s is silent, just add an apostrophe.
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Preview and Download !Note: As a general rule, if the possessive noun is an inanimate object (not living, no causal agency) then no apostrophe is needed. There are exceptions to this rule, however. Exxaammppllee:: That is the door of the car. That is the car door. In the example, notice that the car does not need a possessive apostrophe because it is an inanimate ...
https://url.theworksheets.com/1hag134 Downloads
Preview and Download !Nouns, possessives and pronouns art pre-start + 12Diagnostic test 1 Nouns Gender, nouns ending in -s, noun–verb agreement, countable/uncountable nouns: two pieces of furniture, a soft cheese from the Pyrenees 14 182 Possessive ’s Double possessives, specifying/classifying: expensive children’s clothes, the older children’s clothes
https://url.theworksheets.com/6zj7430 Downloads
Preview and Download !Rewrite each sentence using the possessive form for each underlined noun. 1. We listen to the advice given by the teacher. _____ 2. The speeches of the ladies were moving. _____ 3. The parade of the Carnival is worth seeing.
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Preview and Download !To turn a noun into a possessive noun, add an apostrophe ( ' ) and an - s to the singular noun. examples: The boy's favorite basketball team won last night. The girl's dress was pink. The words boy's and girl's are possessive nouns. By adding an apostrophe and an - s to the singular noun we turn it into a possessive. Read the following sentences.
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Preview and Download !Possessive Nouns 2 Time Started: http:www.thegomom.wordpress.com Time Finished: Write the possessive form of the following phrases. 1. the books of the children 2. the car of Mr. Ramos 3. the tail of the pig 4. the eggs of the birds Check the sentence with the correct possessive form of noun. 1. The girls's PE shirt is already in the bookstore.
https://url.theworksheets.com/194f79 Downloads
Preview and Download !2. Find 5 nouns in there dual forms of both masculine and feminine. And mark which is in the object and subject forms. 3. Find 5 nouns that are in their singular form that are masculine and feminine. Take these nouns and turn them into the dual forms for the subject, object, prepositional and possessive phrases (as in the charts above). 4.
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