Introduction to Computer Science, March 2018, Page 2 of 3 Domain – Programming and Development Core Standard 2 Students connect the process of developing a computing artifact (ex. computer application, web application, operating system, artificial intelligence) with the skills needed during the Downloads
Preview and Download !A basic concept in computer science is that large systems can only be understood in levels, with each level further subdivided into functions or services of some sort. The interface to the higher level should supply the advertised services. Just as important, it should block access to the means by which those services are implemented. Downloads
Preview and Download !c. 1.0.1 Computer Basics Student Manual Instructor Computer Setup: Ensure that the LCD projector and computer are working properly. Complete the Student Computer Setup on the presentation computer. Open the following documents on your computer and then minimize them so only your desktop appears. • Computer Basics Presentation Downloads
Preview and Download !Computer Science Computer science is the study of the principles and use of computers. [Oxford Dictionary, September 2018] Computer science is a branch of science that deals with the theory of computation or the design of computers. [Merriam Webster, September 2018] Computer science is the study of the theory, experimentation, and engineering that Downloads
Preview and Download !learning the computer’s language. 3. Using bits and bytes in different combinations to represent a code is known as programming. 4. Copying a program onto your computer’s hard drive from another source is known as installing the program. 5. People who write codes to create programs are known as computer programmers. 6. Some programs can be ... Downloads
Preview and Download !• Summarize the role of algorithms, data structures, and languages in computer programming. • Use metacognitive strategies (e.g., the study cycle) to make your learning more e ective. Methods of Instruction This course uses a \ ipped classroom" approach for a signi cant portion of the scheduled class time. Downloads
Preview and Download !Parts of the Course 4 Lecture Q&A Lab Intro Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Morning 2pm Later Lecture: Videos posted to Sunday, Tuesday, & Thursday @ 5pm Lab: The most important part of this course (next week) Discussion/Tutorials: The most important part of this course (this week) Staff office hours: The most important part of this course (next week) Downloads
Preview and Download !scanners, which are connected to any one computer. Fig 2: Peer to Peer Networking Client/server networks are more suitable for larger networks. A central computer, or 'server', acts as the storage location for files and applications shared on the network. Usually the server is a higher than average File and Print Server CD or Multimedia Servers Downloads
Preview and Download !advanced computer science topics & problem solving. Please, more time on circuits/logical expressions/truth tables/decisions! We will do a bit today, but much more in the following weeks. Why is the schedule of classes and quizzes so crazy? I Lots of holidays has \our week" now starting on Wednesday. I Spring Break is Friday, 30 March to Sunday ... Downloads
Preview and Download !However, a computer can only represent finite precision, so we are not guaranteed to retain all digits from the initial number. Let’s consider a hypothetical “decimal” computer with at most 5 digits in the mantissa. The floating-point representation of x obtained on this computer, after rounding, is given by xˆ = fl(x) = 0.12346×10− ... Downloads
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