ANSWER KEY Common and Proper Nouns Determine whether each noun is a common noun or a proper noun. • If the noun is common, write common noun on the line. • If the noun is proper, re-write the noun on the line using correct capitalization. examples: waterfall common noun niagara falls Niagara Falls 1. march March 2. month common noun 3. day common noun 4. tuesday Tuesday Downloads
Preview and Download !UNIT 1: NOUNS Lesson 1: Identifying nouns Nouns arecommonlyde¢nedaswordsthatrefertoaperson,place,thing,oridea. Howcanyouidentifyanoun? Quick tip 1.1 If you can put the word the in front of a word and it sounds like a unit, the word is a noun. For example, the boy sounds like a unit, soboyis a noun.The chair sounds like a unit, so Downloads
Preview and Download !B. Read the sentences below. Identify the underlined words in each sentence as proper or common nouns. 1. Peter Jones is a detective who works at Scotland Yard.. 2. Yesterday Mr. Reginald Merryweather came to him with a very strange story. proper, common 3. It seems that rare coins are missing from the Bank of London where he works. common ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Part 1: Underline the common nouns with a blue crayon. Underline the proper nouns with a red crayon. 1. The house is on Main Street. (1 common, 1 proper) 2. Karen played with her sister. (1 common, 1 proper) 3. Fran went to Furry Friends Pet Shop. (2 proper) 4. The car stopped quickly. (1 common) 5. Morgan Boulevard is a busy street. (1 proper ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Underline proper nouns and double underline common nouns. 1) Mr. Brown walked his dog down the street. 2) Before crossing Main Street, look both ways. 3) Tanner is younger than his brother. 4) Mrs. Smith teaches students how to read. 5) My dad took us to the restaurant. Downloads
Preview and Download !Akbar was a wise king. Akbar – proper noun; king – common noun London is a large, busy city. London – proper noun; city – common noun Some boys are swimming in the lake. boys, lake – common noun Some men are very cruel. men – common noun Dia has a huge dog called Rocky. Dia, Rocky – proper noun; dog – common Downloads
Preview and Download !Common & Proper Nouns Common & Proper Nouns 1. 3. Common & 4. Proper Nouns Common & Proper Nouns 2. Rewrite the underlined name correctly. ella green is my best friend. What is the common noun in this sentence? Jack drove the car to Florida. What is the proper noun in this sentence? He will move to a new house in April. Is the underlined word a ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Nouns can be common or proper. A proper noun is the name of a person, place or thing: The White House, James, Mrs. Johnson, A common noun represents a person, place or thing, but is not a name: house, boy, lady. Proper vs common nouns Grade 1 Nouns Worksheet Downloads
Preview and Download !A PROPER NOUN is a VSHFLÀF PERSON, PLACE or THING. Always capitalize proper nouns. Joey is a superhero. Name Date GREAT GRAMMAR! HI, 1¼527-A He is a super boy! proper noun common noun Identify each underlined noun as common or proper in each sentence. 1. I think he takes off his mask when he goes home. Downloads
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