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Sep 12, 2007, Education, 96 pages. Brain-compatible activities to inspire active learning in the kindergarten classroom! This valuable guide gives teachers the tools they need to plan lessons ... Science Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites 20 Instructional Strategies That Engage the Brain, Marcia L. Tate, Warren G. Phillips, Oct 20, 2010, Education ... Downloads
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Preview and Download !Grow! Glow! worksheet, using either the document camera or chart paper. Explain aloud while drawing a picture of yourself in the center of the wheel doing your favorite activity. Then draw some of the corresponding go, grow, and glow foods from each section of the Go Grow Glow Poster on the outer part of the wheel, emphasizing that go, grow and ... Downloads
Preview and Download !The brain’s . prefrontal cortex (the part in charge of critical thinking) is not yet fully developed in teens. So they rely more on the limbic system (which is tied to rewards and emotions) to make decisions. Brain Changes . As you grow, your body strengthens pathways between neurons (nerve cells) in the brain and gets rid of ones that aren ... Downloads
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