Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct French conjugation. 1. They sing 2. I speak 3. He visits 4. You (formal) show 5. They ask 6. You (familiar) break 7. I jump 8. We dance 9. She looks for 10. You (formal) refuse 11. We carry 12. They work 13. I look at 14. You (familiar) play 15. He draws 16. We give 17. You (formal) keep 18. She ... Downloads
Preview and Download !How to Conjugate French Verbs: PRESENT TENSE. For the present tense in French, remove the last 2 letters from the verb (either “ar”, “ir”, or “re”) and then add the correct ending. So for “parler” (to speak), you would remove the -er and add one of the following endings: .-ER Verb Endings je = E nous = ONS tu = ES vous = EZ Downloads
Preview and Download !Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct French conjugation. 1. You (familiar) lose 2. I wait for 3. They defend 4. She answers 5. We hear 6. You (formal) sell 7. I go down 8. We pull 9. They hang 10. He gives back 11. You (familiar) defend 12. I hear 13. You (formal) answer 14. He loses 15. We go down 16. She hangs 17. They sell 18. I ... Downloads
Preview and Download !British and the French in North America before the French and Indian War. 5. Students will have 9 minutes at each station to study the materials and answer the c orresponding ques tions . 6. When students return to their seats, they will answer the summary questions and be asked to draw conclusions and make predictions about what they will learn. Downloads
Preview and Download !1. French and Indian War Vocabulary 2. Causes and Effects of the French and Indian War (French and Indian War Worksheet) Day #22 The French and Indian War Sets the Stage for the American Revolution Day #23 Events Leading to the American Revolution Day #24 The American Revolution Reading Comprehension Day #25 Downloads
Preview and Download !The next phase of French history started shortly thereafter, as _____ took over through a coup in 1799 to become Emperor of France. C JOB#: 20041319 DESC: french rev study guidePROOF#: . DATE: 1 ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Translation practice: French This resource provides translation practice to support our AS French specification (7651). In addition to the translation exercises provided in the . sample assessment materials for this specification, this resource helps students translate to and from the target language. These translations and accompanying Downloads
Preview and Download ! – Copyright 2014 General Food & Drink Terms Nouns les boissons (f.) le bonbon le café le chocolat les épices (f.) Downloads
Preview and Download !40.The French Revolution of 1789, the Chinese Revolution of 1911, and the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 were similar in that these revolutions A)increasing dissatisfaction of the Third Estate B)rise to power of Napoleon Bonaparte C)actions of Prince Metternich D)execution of Louis XVI 41.A primary cause of the French Revolution in 1789 was the Downloads
Preview and Download !Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct French conjugation. 1. They finish 2. He chooses 3. I fill 4. You (familiar) build 5. They obey 6. She punishes 7. I applaud 8. We accomplish 9. She succeeds 10. You (formal) warn 11. He reflects 12. They build 13. We applaud 14. I finish 15. He warns 16. We choose 17. You (familiar) obey 18. She ... Downloads
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