Circle the word that is the opposite of the first word. 6 up kite down dog go send stick stop cold hot tail put run wet walk top sink was swim moon tall short blue cut little big happy name girl boy cat dad new low old hot love out all hate 1st Grade Basic Skills: Reading Comprehension and Reading Skills Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company Downloads
Preview and Download !Grade 1 Spelling Worksheet Keywords: spelling, list, missing letters, grade 1, worksheet Created Date: 8/11/2023 12:50:02 PM ... Downloads
Preview and Download !app for spelling games and audio pronunciations. The School Spelling Bee Study List is broken down into three levels of difficulty: One Bee, Two Bee and Three Bee. One Bee words include words appropriate for first, second and third grade. The list below includes 50 challenging first grade words. If you learn the spellings and meanings of Downloads
Preview and Download !Grade 1 Spelling Worksheet Keywords: spelling, correct spelling, grade 1, worksheet Created Date: 8/9/2023 9:19:16 AM ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Name ROB AND ROD RAT Read the story about Rob and Rod Rat. Underline the words that begin with the same sound as Rob Rat runs to the rug. Rob has a red rag. Downloads
Preview and Download !First Grade Spelling Worksheet List 2 The _ _ _ opens at ten in the morning. They have a huge _ _ _ _. They have a large aquarium with _ _ _ _. I went to the zoo in _ _ _ _ last year. There was a huge _ _ _ beating his chest. The big _ _ _ _ scared my grandma. The _ _ _ _ slept in the afternoon sun. ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Title: Park spelling words Author: K5 Learning Subject: Grade 1 Spelling Worksheet Keywords: spelling, list, grade 1, worksheet Created Date: 7/25/2023 6:38:19 PM Downloads
Preview and Download !First Grade Spelling Worksheet List 15 I had to _ _ _ _ my own suitcase. We will _ _ _ to Florida today. I feel _ _ _ _ on vacation. My family will _ _ _ _ for hours. The _ _ _ _ _ is long and winding. My favorite _ _ _ _ _ is the amusement park. I hope we take another _ _ _ _ next year. Downloads
Preview and Download !In first grade, students will engage in activities that build on their prior knowledge and skills in order to strengthen their reading, writing, and oral language skills. Students should write and read (or be read to) on a daily basis. (2) For students whose first language is not English, the students' native language serves as a Downloads
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