Power Rule: When raising monomials to powers, multiply the exponents. xxm mn n Example 3: (x2y3)4 = x2 4 y3 4 = x8y12 Example 4: (2x3yz2)3 = 23 x3 3 y3 z2 3 = 8x9y3z6 Quotient Rule: When dividing monomials that have the same base, subtract the exponents. m mn n x x x Example 5: 3 3 ( 2) 5 2 x xx x Example 6: 6 6 2 4 2 5 55 5
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Preview and Download !Your answer should contain only positive exponents. 1) 2 m2 ⋅ 2m3 4m5 2) m4 ⋅ 2m−3 2m 3) 4r−3 ⋅ 2r2 8 r 4) 4n4 ⋅ 2n−3 8n 5) 2k4 ⋅ 4k 8k5 6) 2x3 y−3 ⋅ 2x−1 y3 4x2 7) 2y2 ⋅ 3x 6y2x ... Create your own worksheets like this one with Infinite Algebra 1. Free trial available at KutaSoftware.com. Title: Properties of Exponents
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Preview and Download !Title: Grade 6 Exponents Worksheet - Exponents with whole number bases Author: K5 Learning Subject: Grade 6 Exponents Worksheet Keywords: Grade 6 Exponents Worksheet - Exponents with whole number bases math practice printable elementary school
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Preview and Download !Radicals and Rational Exponents Date_____ Period____ Write each expression in radical form. 1) 7 1 2 7 2) 4 4 3 (3 4)4 3) 2 5 3 (3 2)5 4) 7 4 3 (3 7)4 5) 6 3 2 (6)3 6) 2 1 6 6 2 ... Create your own worksheets like this one with Infinite Algebra 2. Free trial available at KutaSoftware.com. Title: Radicals and Rational Exponents
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Preview and Download !o Recognize and describe patterns with exponents using a calculator o Recognize and describe the powers of ten by the patterns in the place value o Don’t forget about the power of zero! o To evaluate exponents on the calculator use the 𝑦𝑥 key Properties (SOL 6.19) o Recognize and identify four properties of math, including:
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Preview and Download !TLW use multiplication properties of exponents to evaluate and simplify expressions. Let’s try some examples… Simplify each expression using the product of powers property. Do not evaluate numbers raised to a ridiculous power. 1. 32 2. q r q3 2 6 3. n n n34 4. 7784 5. 3 5 3 5 3 8 4 2
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Preview and Download !Printable Math Worksheets @ www.mathworksheets4kids.com Use product rule and simplify. Write your answers in positive exponents. 1) 4 (·3 8 · 2) 2 6 ) 3) ·8 8 4) 6 ·8 ·4 5) 7ℎ ·3ℎ ·9ℎ 6) 9 ·7 7) 2 · ˘ ˆ 8) 3ˇ ·3 ·3 9) ˙ ˝ (3˙˝ ) 10) 3˛·5˛ ·2˛ ˜ 11) 3 (5˜!)(3˜ ) 12) 6"·4" 13) 3# ·6#·8# 14) 2 ·2ˇ ·2 15) 4 ...
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Preview and Download !Your answer should contain only positive exponents. 1) 42 ⋅ 42 2) 4 ⋅ 42 3) 32 ⋅ 32 4) 2 ⋅ 22 ⋅ 22 5) 2n4 ⋅ 5n4 6) 6r ⋅ 5r2 7) 2n ... Create your own worksheets like this one with Infinite Pre-Algebra. Free trial available at KutaSoftware.com. Title: Exponents and Multiplication
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Preview and Download !Pre-AP Algebra 2 Name: _____ 9-1 Pair Work Practice with Rational Exponents 1) Rewrite each radical using rational exponent notation. a. 3 7 5 b. 11 x c. 4 8 2) Rewrite each power using radical notation. a. 431/5 b. 8 3 /4 c. x5 2 3) Find the exact, simplified value of each expression without a calculator.If you are stuck, try
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Preview and Download !1 Label all unlabeled exponents “1” 2 Take the reciprocal of the fraction and make the outside exponent positive. 3 Get rid of any inside parentheses. 4 Reduce any fractional coefficients. 5 Move all negatives either up or down. Make the exponents positive. 6 Combine all like bases. 7 Distribute the power to all exponents.
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