cooking terms worksheet - key p.2 13. fold in - combine two mixtures by gently cutting 13. mixing spoon, down through the mixture, across rubber scrapper bottom and turning over near surface 14. knead - to work dough by pressing and folding 14. * until it becomes smooth and elastic 15. marinate - to soak in an acid or oil mixture 15. * Downloads
Preview and Download !Cooking Scout's Name: _____ Cooking - Merit Badge Workbook Page. 10 of 34 b. Discuss the benefits of using a camp stove on an outing vs. a charcoal or wood fire. c. Describe with your counselor how to manage your time when preparing a meal so components for each course are ready to serve at the same time. 4. Cooking at home. Downloads
Preview and Download !Baking and Cooking Terms (Key) Use your textbook or the Internet to locate the definition to the baking and cooking terms. Baking and cooking techniques 1. Bake – To cook in an oven 2. Boil – To heat a food so that the liquid gets hot enough for bubbles to rise and break the surface 3. Broil – To cook under direct heat 4. Downloads
Preview and Download !In the field of cooking, there are specific terms and techniques you need to know, without taking the time to look them up. This section of the pretest deals with these “Culinary Essentials.” Abbreviations. What do these abbreviations mean? 1. C or c = CUP. 2. T = Tablespoon. 3. t = teaspoon. 4. tbsp. = Tablespoon. 5. tsp. = teaspoon. 6. oz ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Cooking - Merit Badge Workbook Page 18 of 33 c. Using at least five of the 10 cooking methods from requirement 3, prepare and serve yourself and at least one adult (parent, family member, guardian, or other responsible adult) one breakfast, one lunch, one dinner, and one dessert from the meals you planned.* Cooking methods used: Downloads
Preview and Download !Kids Cooking Activities Using the Five Senses: Taste, Smell, Sight, Hearing, and Touch Provide experiences with food that not only develop small muscles for kneading, mixing, mashing, shaking, scrubbing, but make children more aware of their five senses. Food can be a motivator and a tool for teaching. Downloads
Preview and Download !Title: cooking-kitchen.pdf Author: Divyak Created Date: 9/13/2022 10:38:32 AM Downloads
Preview and Download !Principles of Cooking Theory and Practical We can define cooking as the transfer of energy from a h_____ source to a f_____. To cook successfully you must first understand the ways in which heat is transferred: conduction, convection and radiation. You should also understand what the application of heat does to the proteins, sugars, Downloads
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