Collective noun worksheet for class 5 solutions 1. Choose the correct collective noun from the box to fill in the blanks. 1. A Choir of singers. 2. A Bench of majistrates. 3. A Warren of rabbits. 4. A Faculty of teachers. 5. A Board of directors. 6. A Company of actors. 7. A School of fish. 8. A Collection of paintings. 9. A Regiment of soldiers. Downloads
Preview and Download !Collective nouns Grade 3 Nouns Worksheet Match the collective noun to the phrase that should follow it. A collective noun names a group of people, animals or things. A flock of geese. A fleet of cars. troupe caravan b. pile c. team swarm set regiment g. pride h. cloud panel a. of bees of experts of soldiers d. of players e. of camels f. of ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Concrete, Abstract, and Collective Nouns A concrete noun names things you can see and touch. EXAMPLES'. apple, dog, fork, book, computer An abstract noun names an idea, quality, action, or feeling. EXAMPLES: bravery, wickedness, goodness A collective noun names a group of persons or things. EXAMPLES: crowd, congress, public, United States Downloads
Preview and Download !EXERCISE B Underline each collective noun in the following sentences. 1. I sing tenor in a quartet. 2. Everyone in the group received a door prize. 3. The team arrived early and went to the locker room. 4. As I watched, a flock of geese flew overhead. 5. The jury filed into their seats and listened to the judge’s instructions. 6. Downloads
Preview and Download !Super Teacher Worksheets - Collective Nouns 1. Our scout troop went camping. 2. The crowd waited for the parade to begin. 3. My sister’s softball team is practicing for the next game. 4. Mrs. Ling's class brought canned goods for the food drive. 5. That group made a poster about recycling. 6. Downloads
Preview and Download !Collective nouns require a singular verb when the group _____: The committee (appreciates, appreciates) it when the meetings go by quickly. But when the group acts as individuals, the collective noun needs a _____ verb: The committee (disagree, disagrees) about whether people should be allowed to speak at meetings. ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Step 1: Review collective nouns. A collective noun can be singular or plural depending on how it is used in a sentence. EXAMPLES army, audience, class, committee, council, family, group, nation, team Step 2: Use a singular verb when a collective noun refers to one unified action or whole. Use a plural verb when it refers to individuals. Sometimes Downloads
Preview and Download !Nouns such as gymnastics, tactics, trousers, scissors, athletics, tidings, acoustics, riches, and barracks are usually treated as plural. His tactics are sneaky. The scissors are on the table. The trousers are hanging in the closet. Plural nouns denoting a mass, a quantity, or a number require a singular verb when the subject is regarded as a unit. Downloads
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