KidZone's printable preschool and kindergarten worksheets help younger kids learn their letters, numbers, shapes, colors and other basic skills. KidZone's printable grade school worksheets help older children learn phonics, reading, creative writing, math, geometry, science and geography. Learning Resources (Core Curriculum) Downloads
Preview and Download !Easter/Bunny Themed Math Worksheets Contents I created these math sheets to meet my students beginning of the year needs! At the beginning of the year, first graders need to review number identification. In addition, this pack of worksheets provides focused practice on each of the addition strategies below! Downloads
Preview and Download !Printable Worksheets @ Time-Order Words Circle the time-order word in each sentence. 1) The nurse stayed in the surgery room afterward. 2) Toby will graduate soon. 3) Maverick is setting o! on another voyage now. 4) Before going to school, Kimberly packed her bag. 5) It rained heavily last night. Downloads
Preview and Download !SESSION MATERIALS: Alternating Attention Tasks –Circling Letters #3 Instructions: Circle the letter “t” in the written passage below, as many times as it occurs: HOME PROGRAM: List of 50 Cognitive High-Level/Complex Tasks, #1 . Practicing tasks that address goals need to be conducted every day for positive outcomes. Patients performing home Downloads
Preview and Download !Title: Kindergarten Beginning Sounds Worksheet - 2 Author: K5 Learning Subject: Kindergarten Phonics Worksheet - Beginning Sounds Keywords: Kindergarten Phonics Worksheet - Beginning Sounds Downloads
Preview and Download !Printable Math Worksheets @ Name : Help the frog to jump into the pond by circling all the even numbers. 12 7 35 50 48 92 4 99 57 29 72 10 37 55 83 43 34 59 26 79 9 23 11 65 97 85 15 64 67 89 63 47 31 45 13 41 88 51 25 75 3 33 27 93 17 49 53 36 39 77 19 71 47 90 73 28 56 81 25 21 5 86 91 95 61 15 78 62 44 87 69 Even ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Circling Prepositions Worksheet (Part 1) Circle the preposition in each sentence. I went the edge of the lake. around . 1. We walked up the stairs. 2. My mom took a walk around the block. 3. I looked under my bed. 4. My friend jumped over the bushes. 5. The pen fell between our desks. 6. I walked to the store. 7. We walked aboard the ship. 8. Downloads
Preview and Download !Title: Word Coloring Pages Created Date: 4/23/2020 8:39:25 AM Downloads
Preview and Download !HALFNESS Can you open a book to the halfway page? Can you pour half a glass of water? Can you walk halfway to the classroom door from your seat? GOAL: Students use their visual estimation skills to identify half of a region. MATERIALS: student page 8, various books, water glasses, dried beans or water, coins or counters, string, pencils, various measurement tools (rulers, tape measures, scales, Downloads
Preview and Download !Circling Action Verbs Worksheet (Part 1) Circle the action verb or verbs in each sentence given below. We performed well at the concert. performed . 1. My sister turned in her homework late. 2. I had to fix my bike before I rode it. 3. I held my mother’s hand when I walked into the amusement park. 4. My younger brother slept early the night ... Downloads
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