These worksheets are part of a collection of free materials to help young people with autism to explore how they are affected by fantasy and pretending. Go to this link to review all of these materials so that you are selecting the combination of resources that is best for you. This first pair of worksheets is to help Downloads
Preview and Download !autism are particularly vul-nerable to isolation. This set of worksheets is designed to help children on the autism spectrum, in counseling, group or class settings, to explore how much time they spend alone and to examine possible solutions. Suggestions: *o just the worksheets that you feel you need. The first three worksheets Downloads
Preview and Download !ABA & Teaching New Skills If you decide a Behavior Analyst is right for you and your child, you can ask the BCBA to focus on things other than decreasing problem behaviors. Downloads
Preview and Download !Functioning Autism . Tool Kit . A tool kit to assist families in getting the . critical information they need in the first 100 . days after an Asperger Syndrome or High Functioning Autism diagnosis. Autism Speaks does not provide medical or legal advice or services. Rather, Autism Speaks Downloads
Preview and Download !©Academic Autism Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education Forms and Worksheets • Making an Appointment Worksheet - This worksheet walks through the steps of making a healthcare appointment. It has lines to write in information that you might want handy while making the appointment. It also has lines to write in ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Young people on the autism spectrum may experience difficulty understanding the social consequences of their words and actions. This lack of awareness can affect them in several ways. First, the child with ASD may be less likely to say something encouraging or complimentary to another person. Second, the child may, failing to discern the harmful Downloads
Preview and Download !with Autism Spectrum Disorder Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may be at increased risk of experiencing victimization or significant stressors and may have limited coping skills to respond to these experiences. We do not fully understand how traumatic stress impacts individuals with ASD, and there is limited research on treatment of Downloads
Preview and Download !Seven Simple CBT Worksheets Created by Joel Shaul, LCSW These cognitive behavioral worksheets are designed to be used with individuals and groups. The various elements of elements of the CBT therapeutic process are broken into parts that are contained on different pages. Have the child complete the pages one at a time. Downloads
Preview and Download !2. How Interesting Is It picture worksheets. For the Zero sheet, pick out some things from the list that might be uninteresting to most kids – or things that you think of yourself. Write them down on the sheet and draw small pictures. For the 1, 2, 3 and 4 sheets, write and draw things that kids your age might find more interesting.” Downloads
Preview and Download !Autism Preparation Kit GETTING READY WHAT TO EXPECT THE FIRST DAYS WHAT NEXT RESOURCES Schedules Autistic kids cope better when they know what to expect, and schedules are an effective way of providing that information for them. A schedule is simply a list of events or activities, in the order in which they will happen. Downloads
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