Using these activity worksheets These activity worksheets are for people using the manual “Friends: Connecting people with disabilities and community members” to deliver training, or for anyone to use as stand-alone sheets for their own purposes. Most sheets are single stand-alone pages, with the “back” of many of the sheets having Downloads
Preview and Download !therapist’s conceptualization of the client. The worksheets are inappropriate for some clients, especially those who are not intellectually equipped to understand them, who become easily confused, who do not read or write well, or who have an aversion to filling out forms. In reality, many experienced cognitive Downloads
Preview and Download !Worksheets 102 . WHAT’S INSIDE . This booklet will help you learn about exercise and physical activity as you age. Get Fit for Life | 5 . EXERCISE SAFELY. Page 67 . STAY ON TRACK . Identify Your Starting Point. Page 77 . Set Your Goals. Page 79 . Write a Plan to Add Exercise and Physical Activity to Your Life. Page 82 . Stay Motivated to be ... Downloads
Preview and Download !WORKSHEETS Page 7 CAPS Getting Unstuck Workbook (479) 575-5276 (24/7) SESSION 1: Understanding Anxiety/Depression Page 8 CAPS Getting Unstuck Workbook (479) 575-5276 (24/7) Square Breathing 1. Place one hand on our stomach and one on our chest. You want to feel Downloads
Preview and Download !Activity Monitoring is the first step of Behavioral Activation. It is important to know exactly what we are doing throughout the day, and how this corresponds to our mood. While we can’t fix the depression just by noticing this, we can take a step toward feeling better by understanding which behaviors help us feel better, which continue Downloads
Preview and Download !“Notes:” are to help guide the facilitator for that level of activity. “Tasks:” are what the person with a brain disorder is expected to attempt for that level of activity. “Examples:” are given if needed. Work on different activities and stimulation targets daily for variety. Downloads
Preview and Download !Handout # 1 Family-Focused Therapy: What to Expect Our plan is to: •Decrease friction between family members •Improve communication skills •Increase acceptance of mood and thought problems •Help the family solve problems better We will meet: • Weekly for ___8_____sessions • Biweekly for __4_____ sessions • 4 months total How we’re going to do it: Downloads
Preview and Download !The activity pages in the Critical Thinking Workbook are meant to be shared and explored. Use it as an electronic document or as worksheets. You can either print off the pages and use them as activity sheets, or you can edit them directly right in the document on your computer. There are also Answer Keys for the activities Downloads
Preview and Download !Trauma 101 Activity Packet is a PDF document that provides a variety of exercises and tools to help educators and school staff understand and address the effects of trauma on students. The packet complements the online e-resource and slide presentation on Understanding Trauma and Its Impact, which are part of the Trauma-Sensitive Schools Training Package. Downloads
Preview and Download !activity really gets students thinking “outside of the box”! • Important Events – Students use the space provided on this handout to describe and illustrate key events from the novel. A great review activity! • Create Your Own Bookmark - Students use this template to create their own bookmark from the novel, according to a list of ... Downloads
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