WORKSHEET We can create a space where survivors we are working with feel safe to share their stories and their truths by using active listening skills. Active listening is: • a foundational skill used by sexual assault advocates that supports the healing journey of survivors Downloads
Preview and Download !Active listening is an important way to bring about changes in people. Despite the popular notion that listening is a passive approach, clinical and research evidence clearly shows that sensitive listening is a most effective agent for individual personality change and group development. Listening brings about Downloads
Preview and Download !• The importance of Active Listening • How to improve your Active Listening Skills 1. The importance of Active Listening Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, and on the quality of your relationshipswith others. Downloads
Preview and Download !The following four golden rules are needed for any form of communication to take place (Kabir, 2017): 1. Seek to understand before seeking to be understood 2. Be non-judgmental 3. Give the speaker your undivided attention 4. Use silence effectively 2 Reflection Exercise Did I use each of the following? If not, why? Downloads
Preview and Download !Take an active interest in each other’s activities and goals Effective Communication Tips?Take turns speaking and listening?Use active listening skills?Allow silence when appropriate?Ask open-ended questions (questions that require more than a one- or two-word reply)?Reflect back to the speaker what you thought you heard them say? Downloads
Preview and Download !the skill of active listening would be useful. • Elicit the following ideas: meetings at work, seminars or group discussion in a place of study, listening to instructions at work, talking to clients, etc. Extra: discussion To give further practice in active listening, ask the students to discuss some of the other topics in the list. Teacher ... Downloads
Preview and Download !THE ART OF ACTIVE LISTENING Listening is a learned skill. There is a significant difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is a biological function, and like breathing or blinking it happens whether you are consciously telling yourself to do it or not. Listening, on the other hand, is a mental process. It requires thought, effort, and ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Partner listening with understanding about my stresses and worries. o o Partner takes job or other stresses out on me. o o Partner takes job or other stresses out on others in our life. o o Comments, and if things are fine, describe how you are managing this area of your lives. If things are not fine, describe the obstacles you see to improving ... Downloads
Preview and Download !COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS—ACTIVE LISTENING WORKSHEET OBJECTIVE:tolisten for the speakers emotions Let the speaker know you want to listen. Use the five skills listed below. Use “open ended” questions. Don't give advice or try to “fix it.” Wait until it's your turn to have the floor. Downloads
Preview and Download !WORKSHEET Many of the skills and aspects of active listening are things we do every day. We use these skills when talking with our loved ones and being supportive. However, when working with survivors of sexual violence we need to be even more intentional in the use of these skills. We can provide great support to survivors by solely listening. Downloads
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