Synonym Worksheets 1-10 Antonym Worksheets 11-20 ... Write “Yes” on the line if the two words are synonyms. If they are not synonyms, write a “No” on the line and write a synonym for the first word. 1. lose – misplace _____ 2. crash – collide _____ ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Synonyms are words that have similar meanings. Huge is a synonym for gigantic. Soft is a synonym for quiet. Tell whether each pair of words are synonyms or antonyms. Write “synonyms” or “antonyms” on each line. 1. unusual / odd synonyms 2. bright / dim antonyms 3. happy / unhappy antonyms 4. soaked / dry antonyms 5. ancient / old ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Synonyms & Antonyms 5 Keywords a•bun•dant—uh-BUHN-duhnt adjective present in large amounts or numbers Synonyms: plentiful, full, ample. Antonyms: empty, lacking. be•stow—bih-STOH verb to give or present something to someone Synonyms: give, grant, award. Antonyms: take, get. ea•ger—EE-ger adjective enthusiastic and impatiently excited Downloads
Preview and Download !Matching Synonyms and Antonyms Kindergarten Synonyms and Antonyms Worksheet Online reading & math for K-5 Look at the words in the first column. Write a synonym and an antonym for each. Use the words in the cloud. Synonyms Antonyms angry mad happy shy timid brave windy calm stormy old new aged clean tidy dirty Downloads
Preview and Download !Synonyms A synonym is a word that has almost the same meaning as another word. Read each sentence and circle the word in parentheses that has almost the same meaning as the underlined word. Can you think of another synonym for the underlined word? If so, write it on the blank Downloads
Preview and Download !Synonyms are words that mean the same thing. Draw a line to match the synonyms. finish end journey trip lamp light money cash midday noon. I Leanqag . Title: Synonyms – match similar words - printable kindergarten worksheet Author: K5 Learning Subject: Kindergarten worksheet – synonyms – draw line to match Downloads
Preview and Download !4th Grade Matching Words/Synonyms #1 Grade 4 Vocabulary Worksheet Provide the word that best matches each clue. 1. inhale 2. course section 3. breadth 4. statement 5. investigate 6. salary 7. level 8. worn A. research B. used C. even D. lesson E. report F. payroll G. width H. sniff Downloads
Preview and Download ! Name_____ Date_____ Inntt eerrmmeddii aattee SSyynnoonnyymmss anndd AAnnttoonnyymmss ##11 SSyynnoonnyymmss::wwoorrddss etth ha att yhhaavve atthee mssaammee s((oorr nneearrlly tthhee ssammee)) meeaanniinnggs Exxaammppllee:: laarrggee bbiigg Downloads
Preview and Download !Replace the underlined words with suitable synonyms and rewrite the paragraph. Thomas, a car mechanic, began to repair a vintage car. He bought new rims and seat covers and Thomas and assisted him to restore the car. replaced the old ones. Later, Miguel joined They changed the battery, brakes, radiators Downloads
Preview and Download !Synonyms – write matching words - printable kindergarten worksheet Author: K5 Learning Subject: Kindergarten worksheet – synonyms – write matching word Keywords: Kindergarten worksheet – synonyms – write matching word Created Date: 4/9/2015 8:17:38 PM Downloads
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