Subject-verb agreement worksheet Author: K5 Learning Subject: Grade 3 Verbs Worksheet: Commonly confused verbs: Subject-verb agreement Keywords: verbs, subject verb agreement, grammar, grade 3, worksheet, english Created Date: 3/26/2019 7:37:53 AM Downloads
Preview and Download !The verb walk should be the singular walks to match with the singular subject she. 2. Of all the girls in this room, she is the most beautiful. The verb are should be the singular form is to match with the singular subject she. 3. The cat meows when he is hungry. The sentence is correct. The subject cat and the verb meows are both singular. 4. Downloads
Preview and Download !Underline the correct verb in parentheses. 1. None of my flowers ( is, are ) blooming. 2. None of my effort ( is, are ) helping. 3. Nobody ( like, likes ) it when their flowers don’t bloom. 4. Few people ( grow, grows ) violets successfully. 5. Some of the plants ( dislike, dislikes ) being in the sunlight. 6. Downloads
Preview and Download !1. A verb must agree with its subject in number (singular or plural). 2. When the subject is a singular noun, the verb takes an s in the present tense. i. The student studies. 3. When the subject is a plural noun, the verb does not take an s in the present tense. i. The students study. Pronouns can present a particular problem: Singular Plural Downloads
Preview and Download !Printable Worksheets @ Name : Look at each picture and choose the correct form of the verb that matches the subject. 6) hug / hugs The boy the dog. 4) sail / sails Ships in the sea. drink / drinks 5) Elephants water with their trunks. looks / look 7) Christina at herself in the mirror. 8) utter / utters The butteries ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Subject verb agreement Worksheet Author: K5 Learning Subject: Grade 4 Sentences Worksheet: Subject verb agreement Keywords: sentences, subject verb agreement, grade 4, grammar, english, worksheet Created Date: 5/27/2019 6:19:55 AM Downloads
Preview and Download !Subject-Verb Agreement Answers INDEFINITE PRONOUNS AND VERBS ANSWERS: 1. Each of the family members has one vote. 2. One of the boys eats pizza every week. 3. Both of the answers are correct. 4. A few of the staff were gone today. 5. All animals run when they are scared. 6. Someone has his own sandwich. 7. Much has happened since high school. 8. Downloads
Preview and Download !Subject and Verb Agreement A verb should agree in number with its subject. Singular subjects take singular verbs. Example: The bird likes me. Plural subjects take plural verbs. Example: The birds love me. Directions: Underline the verb(s) in each sentence. If the subject and verb do not ... Subject: grammar worksheets Downloads
Preview and Download !Choose the correct verb for each sentence. The subject and verb in a sentence should match with each other in number. A singular subject will have a singular verb, and a plural subject will have a plural verb. Example: Ben eats (eats / eat) an apple a day. Example: Ben and Sara eat (eats / eat) apples every day. 2) (love / loves) meeting new ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Subject - Verb Agreement er. Complete each sentence with the right subject from the parentheses. Example: are animals that live on both land and water. ... Printable Worksheets @ Name : Answer key Subject - Verb Agreement er. Title: 4-subject verb Downloads
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