•expanded Russian territory, •built a stronger military, •developed trade relationships with Western Europe •Catherine the Great (1700s) and the Romanovs –Expanded Russia’s empire –Russification-19th/20th century, gov. program that required everyone to speak Russian and become a Christian.
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Preview and Download !Leon Trotsky, History of the Russian Revolution Passage B The rising cost of living and the food crisis could not but serve as revolutionary factors among the masses. . . . Gradually the minor issues of food, the price of bread, and the lack of goods turned into political discussions concerning the entire system of the social order.
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Preview and Download !Worksheet for RUSSIAN, CENTRAL, AND EASTERN EUROPEAN STUDIES . Russian History and Culture Track . Name_____ ID #_____ Grad. Year (MM/YY) _____ Instructions: Please indicate on this form which courses you plan to complete for this concentration. Consult the program description in the Catalog for detailed information. ...
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Preview and Download !7-9 years old who learn Russian abroad and live in a non-Russian speaking environment. It consists of 15 training parts, a vocabulary, grammar units for successful communication in Russian as well as various interesting texts on Russian customs, traditions, and culture. Each part provides assignments of different
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Preview and Download !Unit Overview Context: This will be taught in 9th grade after WWI is discussed in the pervious unit, and before WWII. This will happen in approximately in mid January. Unit Goals and Objectives: Students will understand the causes and effects of the Russian Revolution. They will be able describe the events that together led up to the Russian Revolution.
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Preview and Download !CZAR NICHOLAS TAKES COMMAND OF ARMY 1915 Russian troops were not as strong as the Western European industrial nations of Germany and Austria. The war went badly with many Russian casualties. At home, citizens were becoming more and more upset and angry over the deaths of their sons and fathers. Over fifteen million men were drafted into the
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Preview and Download !The Russian people preferred to work rather than to think and to analyze. . . . They worked in a furi-ous desperation, drowning with the thunder of machines, tractors, and bulldozers the cries that might have reached them across the barbed wire of Siberian concentration camps.
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Preview and Download !THE FIRST SET OF RUSSIAN LETTERS 1. The Russian letter И sounds like EE (as in eel) Imagine that И looks like an EEL wriggling. 2. The Russian letter Э sounds like E (as in EGG) Imagine Э looks like the letter E the wrong way around. 3. The Russian letter H sounds like the English letter N Imagine a HEN perched on the bar of an H. 4. The Russian letter y sounds like OO (as the OO sound in YOU)
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Preview and Download !Learn russian worksheets pdf Russian basic pages are for people who have never studied Russian language or had a few years of Russian many years ago and need a review. Russian beginner pages include Russian alphabet, grammar lessons, vocabulary lessons and listening activities. Learn free Russian course for beginners. Classes include
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Preview and Download !• Takes the name czar, Russian for “ aesar”, and vows to restore Russia • Russian and Mongol armies face off at Ugra River in 1480 • Both armies retreat and Russia gains freedom from Mongol rule Russia Breaks Free The Rise of Moscow • Moscow founded in 1100s—located near Russia’s three main rivers
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