Wellington School Grammar and Punctuation Worksheets (LML) 1. Direct questions end in a question mark. E.g. Are you going to the store? 2. Indirect questions DO NOT end in a question mark. E.g. I asked if you were going to the store. 3. In direct speech, sometimes an apparent statement may be a question, depending on the speaker’s tone. E.g.
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Preview and Download !PRIMARY TWO REVISION WORK LITERACY 1B Name: _____ Stream: _____ SET SEVENTEEN 1. Define the term accident. _____ 2. Draw these common accidents in our community. Dog bite Cat bite Drowns 3. Mention any three causes of common accidents.
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Preview and Download !CPC Yao Dao Primary School Grammar Notes Date:_____ Language Focus: Adverbs We use adverbs to describe an action. The adverb comes after the verb in a sentence. We usually add ‘ly’ to an adjective to form an adverb. When the adjective ends with ‘y’, we change ‘y’ to ‘i’, then add ‘ly’.
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Preview and Download !Primary Worksheets: Breakfast Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. People who tend to eat a healthier breakfast are more likely to have more energy and a healthier lifestyle. Our bodies need to be refueled for the day ahead. When we sleep, our bodies go without food for up to 8 to 12 hours. Our moods and energy levels can drop if we
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Preview and Download !Primary Worksheets: Vikings Vikings would board their long ships to travel across the seas to find villages to raid. They first showed up in English in 787 CE. Vikings had two different classes of ships. The Langskip was the warship and the Knorr was the merchant ship. Vikings were known to attack defenseless
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Preview and Download !PRIMARY THREE REVISION WORK MATHEMATICS Name: _____ Stream: _____ SET FOURTEEN 1. Convert 2 weeks to days. 2. Find the number that has been expanded. 2000 + 50 + 6. 3. Divide: 2 2 6 4. What is he difference between 400 and 129? 5. Draw a Triangle in the space provided below. 6. Use the number line to add
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Preview and Download !Primary Worksheets: Squirrel There are more than 200 different species of squirrel that live all over the world. They are rodents that have long bushy tails. The squirrel is the most common wild mammal in many cities that live on all continents except for Australia and Antarctica. The two main types of squirrels are tree, and ground squirrels. The
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Preview and Download !Primary Worksheets: Pangolin The pangolin lives in a wide variety of habitats, including rainforests and grasslands. Four species of pangolins live throughout Asia: Chinese, Sunda, Indian, and Philippine pangolins. Four other species live in Africa: the ground, the giant, the white-bellied, and the black-bellied.
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Preview and Download !English. Give yourself two minutes to prepare your answer. You should talk about: • what you use English for now. • what you like and dislike about the English language. • what you would like to be able to do better in English in the future. • other languages that you speak and what you use them for. 2.
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Preview and Download !manner, our company provides and encourages printable worksheets which can be printed and then used. The writing develops the motor skills of the students and encourages them to be independent in their thinking and working.Worksheets created by Math & English teachers of international repute.Membership:Become a member for Rs 2000
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