marketing plan section. Section 2. Market Analysis This section is the place for you to discuss the market and your approach to it. In it you describe the market’s character-istics, your target customer’s profile, the competition, and To operate the company on a sustainable financial how you plan to gain an advantage over them to create a Downloads
Preview and Download !• As a preview, ask students to brainstorm about 3-4 different components of marketing strategy. Check and discuss their familiarity with the meaning and function of the worksheet headings: branding, marketing steps and researching/profiling markets. • Hand out worksheets. Have the students work together in pairs. Downloads
Preview and Download !The Marketing Plan Outline Executive Overview 1. Market Review • Trends overview • Market segments • Target market § primary § secondary 2. Competitive Review 3. Product and Business Review 4. Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats 5. Goals and Objectives • Sales objectives • Marketing objectives 6. Strategies • Positioning Downloads
Preview and Download !Checklist for How to Write a Business Plan . You wouldn’t drive 2,000 miles without a map, so don’t start a business without writing a business plan; it’s your roadmap to success! Downloads
Preview and Download !Marketing After renovation, you need to quickly market your property to find quality tenants. Here are some tips to generate applications: 1. Hire a professional photographer to take photos for your listings 2. Write short, descriptive copy in your rental ad that illustrates the benefits to the renter 3. Post your rental on multiple listing sites Downloads
Preview and Download !Marketing is the delivery of customer satisfaction at a profit. Balakrishnan S #3 The Marketing Objective “Satisfy the needs of a group of customers better than the competition.” Distinguish from Selling or Advertising: – merely a subset of marketing actions used to satisfy consumer needs. Marketing focuses on the use of all the firm’s Downloads
Preview and Download !BRAND BASICS WORKSHEET Overview: Y o u r B r a n d i s t h e c u m u l a t i v e e x pe r i e n c e t h a t c u s t o m e r s h a v e w i t h y o u r F a r m i n pe r s o n , o n l i n e , Downloads
Preview and Download !standards to product safety and quality, fair employment practice, fair marketing and selling practice, proper use of confidential information, community involvement, and no illegal payments or practice to obtain business Agency problem A potential conflict of interest between two groups of people Stockholders vs. managers Downloads
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