LIFE SKILLS SUPPORT GROUP CURRICULUM PURPOSE: CalWORKs Life Skills Support Groups combine the objectives of removing mental health barriers to employment with exercises that promote practical outcomes. Participants will learn coping strategies to deal with their emotional concerns, and gain knowledge about the culture of the work environment. Downloads
Preview and Download !the life you want to live. These boxes staring you in the face are your time. The remaining boxes (time) can be WHATEVER you want them to be. Use the opportunities available, and invest this time into creating yourself and your life in the way that youve al-ways dreamed it to be. This time counts—the clock never stops—so use it to your ad- Downloads
Preview and Download !worksheets, activity sheets, and sample lesson plans. The . Essential Living Skills: Money Management. materials may be used for self-study or for presentation and discussion at educational sessions. Copy fact sheets, worksheets, and activity sheets for distribution, as needed. Evaluation instruments also are included to measure progress Downloads
Preview and Download !Career Life Work Soft Skills for Work Career - Life – Work 5 Jane Jane worked as an administrative assistant for five years. She then stayed at home to be with her children for a couple of years. She would like to apply for an administrative assistant position at the band. Jane’s Personal Profile She dresses neatly and is always well presented. Downloads
Preview and Download !fers a 4-month Life Skills Program twice a year to up to 150 minimum- and medium-security inmates during each cycle. The pro-gram, which meets for 3 hours every weekday, has three major components: academics, vio-lence reduction, and applied life skills. The core of Delaware’s Life Skills Program is Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT), which is a Downloads
Preview and Download !Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Activity 2 5 Name _____ Date _____ Class _____ Downloads
Preview and Download !What are Life Skills? Life Skills is a term used to describe a set of skills acquired through learning and/or direct life experience that are used to help individuals and groups effectively handle problems and questions commonly encountered in their daily life. In practice, many skills are used simultaneously. For example, decision-making Downloads
Preview and Download !Handout 1 • Early Recovery Skills Group With practice, most people can schedule a twenty-four-hour period and follow it. If you can, you are on your way to gaining control of your life. If you cannot, talk with your counselor about how to increase the structure of your treatment program. • • • Page 2 of 2 Downloads
Preview and Download !B54–B59 6–7 6 hrs Life cycles 1. A life cycle B54 1 What a life cycle is. Life cycle of a: Mammal (e.g. dog) Insect (e.g. butterfly) Amphibian (e.g. frog) Bird (e.g. chicken). 2. Life cycle of a mammal: a dog B54 1 3. Life cycle of an insect: an ant B55 1 4. Life cycle of an amphibian: a frog B55 1 5. Life cycle of a bird: chicken B56 1 6 ... Downloads
Preview and Download !2. Emotional Skills: Noting Practice p. 15 3. Social Connection: Smile! p. 18 4. Health: Improve Your Sleep p. 21 5. Meaning: Spend Time in Nature p. 24 6. Self-Talk: Find a Positive Voice p. 26 7: Check-in p. 29 Week 2: Menu of Activities p. 30 1. Set a Mini Goal p. 32 2. Emotional Skills: What Went Well, and Why p. 35 3. Downloads
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