prepare students for reading and responding to longer reading passages . How to Use This Book This book provides 16 reading passages (both prose and poetry) ranging from two to four pages in length—and from Grade 7 to Grade 8 in reading level . Each passage has 6 to 10 questions, including both multiple-choice and written-response . Downloads
Preview and Download !facilitate comprehension. Explain to the students that readers go beyond the facts when reading informational text. Instruction and Activities: Day 1 1. Model using a shared text and complete the important vs. interesting graphic organizer 2. Have students use a nonfiction book to complete the graphic organizer. Students must Downloads
Preview and Download !readers one to two grade levels behind. You can find the readability score for each passage in the table of contents. (Passages were scored using the Spache scoring criteria and range in level of difficulty from 1.80 to 3.0.) These passages can be used for practice and instruction in reading, and they can be Downloads
Preview and Download !Second Grade September 28-October 2, 2020 ... ELAGSE2RF3 and ELAGSE2RI1 Parent Information, Tips, and Monday Lessons NOTES: As you read the passages from the learning bundle, please remove them and save them for independent ... Before reading an informational book, readers orient themselves to the book. They: 2 • • • • Scholastic. Downloads
Preview and Download !Nonfiction Passages With Short Tests to Get Kids Ready for Standardized Reading Tests ... that fiction doesn’t; for example, readers often have to figure out which information is important and which isn’t. One way to help students navigate nonfiction—and ... (An Answer Key on page 48 will help you quickly grade students’ tests.) Downloads
Preview and Download !Informational article: ... These selections can be used for practice and instruction in reading nonfiction, and they can be used to help prepare students for taking tests that include nonfiction passages. This book provides 24 grade-appropriate nonfiction texts in a wide variety of genres, from Downloads
Preview and Download !Reading Comprehension – Informational Passages Directions: Read the passage. Then answer questions about the passage below. There are wild dogs and pet dogs. Pet dogs are helpers and friends to people. There were no pet dogs 15,000 years ago. Men and women learned how to work with dogs. Dogs helped humans travel from Asia to Downloads
Preview and Download !Students use a flexible range of meta-cognitive reading skills in both assigned and independent reading to understand an author’s message. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts, as they become self-directed, critical readers. The student is expected to: Downloads
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