WORKSHEETS - C O N T E N T S . WORKSHEET 1 : Subject Pronouns and Verb “ To Be” WORKSHEET 2 : Present Simple and Present Continuous WORKSHEET 3 : Present Simple and Present Continuous . WORKSHEET 4 : Present Simple, Present Continuous, Simple Past . WORKSHEET 5 : Past form of verb “ To Be “ Downloads
Preview and Download !Grammar Handbook. Capella University | 225 South 6th Street, 9th Floor . Minneapolis, MN 55402 | 1-888-CAPELLA (227-3552) Downloads
Preview and Download !Grammar Practice Worksheets Present Perfect Table of Contents. 2 GRAMMAR NOTES. 5 EXERCISE 1: Past Participles: Complete the verb charts. 6 EXERCISE 2: Fill in the Blanks: Choose the correct verbs : to complete the sentences. 7 EXERCISE 3: Negative Sentences: Choose the correct verbs : Downloads
Preview and Download !GRAMMAR WORKSHEET ‘AND’ and ‘BUT’ (with Present Simple Tense) Choose the best word to complete each sentence. 1. I am hungry ( and / but ) I don’t have any money to buy lunch. 2. It’s late ( and / but ) I’m tired! 3. John likes funny movies ( and / but ) he doesn’t like scary movies. 4. Downloads
Preview and Download !T his book—which can be used alone, along with another writing-skills text of your choice, or in com-bination with the Lear ningExpress publication, Writing Skills Success in 20 Minutes a Day —will give you practice dealing with capitalization, punctuatio n, basic grammar, sentence structure, organiza- Downloads
Preview and Download !viii goof-proof GRAMMAR #5 Subjects and Verbs that Don’t Agree 19 #6 Active vs. Passive Voice: Passing Up Activity for Passivity 22 #7 Going Crazy with Capitalization 25 #8 Confusing Comparatives and Superlatives 27 #9 Double Negatives: Being Too Negative! 30 #10 Mistaking Adjectives for Adverbs 32 SECTION THREE: THE GOOF-PROOF RULES—WORD USAGE 35 #1 Using A or An 36 #2 Using Accept and ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Grammar Practice Worksheets First Conditional Table of Contents 2 Grammar Notes First Conditional 4 Exercise 1 Multiple-Choice 5 Exercise 2 Fill in the Blanks 6 Exercise 3 Matching 6 Exercise 4 Complete the Sentences 7 Exercise 5 Negative Sentences 8 Exercise 6 Scrambled Sentences 9 Exercise 7 Superstitions 10 Exercise 8 Survey Downloads
Preview and Download !GRAMMAR SKILLS 1. Subject-Verb Disagreement 2. Trimming Sentences 3. Parallelism 4. Comparison Problems 5. Pronoun-Antecedent Disagreement 6. Pronoun Case 7. Dangling and Misplaced Participles 8. Other Misplaced Modifiers 9. Tricky Tenses 10. Idiom Errors 11. Diction Errors 12. Other Modifier Problems 13. Irregular Verbs 14. The Subjunctive ... Downloads
Preview and Download !GRAMMAR WORKSHEET ALL Things Grammar Grammar Focus Participle Adjectives (‘-ed’ vs. ‘-ing’) Level Intermediate ANSWER KEY I don 1. ’t understand chess. The rules are very confusing. He was 2. embarrassed when he arrived late for class. There is a new movie playing at the theater. Downloads
Preview and Download !Grammar Worksheets: Lie vs. Lay, Answers and Tips 3 Copyright © 2011, Worksheet 2, 17 Exercises, Answers and Tips Important: Remind students ... Downloads
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