Present Tense: Regular “-ER” Verbs 1 Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct French conjugation. 1. They sing 2. I speak 3. He visits 4. You (formal) show 5. They ask 6. You (familiar) break 7. I jump 8. We dance 9. She looks for 10. You (formal) refuse 11. We carry 12. They work 13. I look at 14. You (familiar) play 15. He draws 16 ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Present Tense: Regular “-IR” Verbs Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct French conjugation. 1. They finish 2. He chooses 3. I fill 4. You (familiar) build 5. They obey 6. She punishes 7. I applaud 8. We accomplish 9. She succeeds 10. You (formal) warn 11. He reflects 12. They build 13. We applaud 14. I finish 15. He warns 16. We ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Each of the questions asks you to make a sentence in the imperfect tense, the French equivalent of English "was/were". In each case, you need to choose the right subject, then choose the Downloads
Preview and Download !French Verb Conjugation Practice Sheet Verb: Singular Plural first person second person third person je tu il/elle/on nous vous ils/elles/sont Verb: Singular Plural first person second person third person je tu ill/elle/on nous vous ils/elles/sont Verb: Singular Plural first person second person third person je tu Downloads
Preview and Download !What are ER verbs? •a group of verbs with an infinitive that ends with the letters ER –Example: Parler = to speak –Example: Aimer = to like ... •Write the following French sentences –He listens. –We take a test. –They (guys) work. –I arrive. –She looks at the computer. –You all ask a question. Downloads
Preview and Download !Present Tense: Regular “-RE” Verbs Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct French conjugation. 1. You (familiar) lose 2. I wait for 3. They defend 4. She answers 5. We hear 6. You (formal) sell 7. I go down 8. We pull 9. They hang 10. He gives back 11. You (familiar) defend 12. I hear 13. You (formal) answer 14. He loses 15. We go ... Downloads
Preview and Download !How to Conjugate French Verbs: PRESENT TENSE. For the present tense in French, remove the last 2 letters from the verb (either “ar”, “ir”, or “re”) and then add the correct ending. So for “parler” (to speak), you would remove the -er and add one of the following endings: .-ER Verb Endings je = E nous = ONS tu = ES vous = EZ Downloads
Preview and Download !Verbs 2 The three conjugations 2 The present tense 4 The present tense: regular -er (fi rst conjugation) verbs 4 The present tense: regular -ir (second conjugation) verbs 12 The present tense: regular -re (third conjugation) verbs 20 The present tense: spelling changes in -er verbs 28 The present tense: irregular verbs 36 The imperative 43 Downloads
Preview and Download !THE PRESENT TENSE (REGULAR –IR & –RE VERBS) Instructions: Translate the following into French. 1. We wait 2. They finish 3. I hear 4. You (formal) obey 5. She punishes 6. You (fam.) give back 7. She answers 8. They applaud 9. I disobey 10. You (formal) choose 11. He blushes 12. They sell 13. He loses 14. She grows old 15. They put on weight Downloads
Preview and Download !THE PRESENT TENSE (REGULAR –ER VERBS) Instructions: Translate the following into French. 1. He works 2. I dance 3. She speaks 4. They look for 5. You (sing. fam.) ask 6. I give 7. We study 8. They stay 9. He wears 10. You (plural) walk 11. I love 12. They listen to 13. We win 14. You (sing. fam.) think 15. She finds 16. I jump 17. We look at 18. Downloads
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