First Grade 1. Worksheets: Plural Nouns. 2. 1. cat +s = The . ran. 2. ant +s = These are black. 3. dog +s = The. eat. Add an s to the word to make it mean more than one. Then complete . ... nouns verbs eat pole pull nose see door ... Downloads
Preview and Download !a plural noun. examples: books, dishes Most singular nouns can be made plural by just adding an s to the end. Nouns ending in x, z, s, sh and ch form the plural by adding an es to the end. Singular: I have a colorful dish. Plural: I have lots of colorful dishes. Add an s or es at the end of each word to form the plural. 1. flower flowers 2 ... Downloads
Preview and Download !3 Singular and Plural Nouns o Adds or es to most singular nouns to form the plural. Use the spelling of the singular noun. to decide how to form the plural. Some nouns have the same singular and plural forms. Some nouns are Spelled differently in the plural. oühs} tomatoes videos batteries donkeys I eaves teeth deer WORRBOOX ou bird trapeze class Downloads
Preview and Download !Write the plural of each noun below by adding the letter s. 1. lion - lions 2. bubble - bubbles 3. building -buildings 4. rainbow - rainbows 5. phone - phones 6. movie - movies Nouns ending in x, z, s, sh and ch form the plural by adding an es to the end. examples: couch - couches lens - lenses Write the plural of each noun below by adding the ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Singular & Plural Possessive Nouns Name_____ Date _____ Form A the bird’s song my pencil’s erasers Sara’s key that church’s steeple the children’s toys the ocean’s waves the crickets’ wings her books’ pages my cupcake’s frosting the box’s lid my mom’s shoes ... Downloads
Preview and Download !MAKING REGULAR NOUNS PLURAL. Name _____ Date _____ A. ead the list of singular nouns. Rewrite each one and add “s” or “es” to makeR plur. B. Read the following sentences. Rewrite each sentence to make each underlined . noun plural. Edit any other part of the sentence to make it correct. ... Downloads
Preview and Download !The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding - s to a singular noun. lamp lamps cat cats fork forks flower flowers pen pens Exercise: Write the plural of each of these nouns chair star farm storm door rock owner paper cup Rule #2 Nouns ending in s, z, x, sh, and ch form the plural by adding - es. moss mosses buzz buzzes box boxes Downloads
Preview and Download !The plurals of most nouns ending in fare made by adding an s. Singular staff chief proof sheriff + s Plural = staffs = chiefs = proofs — sheriffs Some nouns ending inforfe, however, form their plurals by changing the forfe to ve and adding an s. Memorize the plurals of these words. Singular elf life wolf knife loaf thief wife leaf Plural elves Downloads
Preview and Download !Nouns – countable and uncountable We can use countable nouns for things we can count. They can be singular or plural. We can use uncountable nouns for things we can't count. 1. True or false? Read and circle true or false for these sentences. a. They’re having a picnic. true false b. There aren’t any sandwiches. true false c. There are ... Downloads
Preview and Download !a) Singular noun b) Plural noun c) Possessive noun d) Not a noun 2. What type of noun is the word Neil as it is used in the following sentence? Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the Moon, said, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." a) Singular noun b) Plural noun c) Possessive noun d) Not a noun 3. Downloads
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