cycling of Earth’s materials and the flow of energy that drives this process. Developing and Using Models ESS2.A Earth’s Materials and Systems Stability and Change MS-ESS2-2. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how geoscience processes have changed Earth’s surface at varying time and spatial scales. Constructing Explanations and Downloads
Preview and Download !Earth Day Worksheets Earth Day Earth Day WorWorWord Searchd Searchd Search Find all the Earth Day related words that are listed at the bottom of the page and circle each of them in the block of letters below. They can be forwards, backwards, up, down or diagonal. Downloads
Preview and Download !learn the facts about environmental degradation happening across the country. Earth Day teach-ins helped educate and mobilize citizens across America to demand that Congress act to protect the environment. The environmental teach-in will be just as relevant and crucial to the success of Earth Day 2020 as it was to the first Earth Day in 1970. Downloads
Preview and Download !A. moving of the earth’s plates B. moving of icebergs near the poles C. moving of the outer core around the inner core D. moving of the earth around the sun E. other_____ 4. Parts of the earth are called the inner and outer core(s). Why do you think the term ‘core’ is used? Downloads
Preview and Download !Earth Day Activities Earth Day, April 22, is an opportunity to focus on protecting the Earth’s resources. Celebrate Earth Day by learning about natural resources and taking action in your community. - The first Earth Day in April 1970 was the beginning of the modern environmental movement that has Downloads
Preview and Download !the Sun and of the Moon around Earth; and demonstrate Earth’s rotation about its axis. State Assessment Boundary: Causes of lunar phases or seasons, or use of Earth’s tilt are not expected in state assessment. 5-PS2-1. Support an argument with evidence that the gravitational force exerted by Earth on objects is directed toward Earth’s center. Downloads
Preview and Download !Ashley's mom called the park managers and said that she and Ashley would help. April 22, Earth Day, was the day of the big cleanup. Ashley was excited to work on the park to make it better. She even got some of her friends to volunteer, too. The big day came, and Ashley and her mom got up really early. They headed to the park and found a lot of Downloads
Preview and Download !responsibility and teamwork skills. To make a difference this Earth Day, create a composting system in your school! E A R T H D A Y . O R G P R E S E N T S. C O M P O S T I N G S Y S T E M. ADVOCACY PACKETS. How to implement a composting system at your school Downloads
Preview and Download !Earth Day by Kelly Hashway It was a gorgeous Sunday, and Miranda couldn’t wait to spend it at the park riding bikes and hanging out on the playground. The park was Miranda’s favorite place to spend the ... Super Teacher Worksheets - Downloads
Preview and Download !Earth Day is an (1) ____ event that aims to inspire awareness of and appreciation for our environment. It was founded in 1969 by peace (2) ____ John McConnell. He introduced the idea of a global holiday called "Earth Day" at a UN conference on the environment in 1969. The (3) ____ Earth Downloads
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