Capitalization When you are writing, many words need to be capitalized. Some examples are days of the week, names of states, the word I, and names of special places and other proper nouns. Read each sentence below and underline the words that should be capitalized. 1. Downloads
Preview and Download !Lesson 11: Punctuation and Capitalization Read the sentences. Rewrite the sentences using uppercase letters where needed. Add the proper punctuation mark at the end of each sentence. The first sentence is done for you. ons Copyrigh ebruar 2014 9781623821012 2 Name Enrichment Page Downloads
Preview and Download !Free printable capitalization worksheets for kindergarten ... Your kindergarten could recognize the basic forms, but seeing them in real life strengthens the concept of geometry. Go to a scavenger hunt in your courtyard, home or local park. Help your child find objects in a variety of different shapes - circles, squares, triangles, rectangles ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Click the button below now to get inspired! Place the comma in the correct location and use the appropriate capitalization and capitalization. Part 2: Explain what's wrong with writing each date. Add a comma between each item in the series. If you are in kindergarten or sophomore year, add a comma to the text on this worksheet. Downloads
Preview and Download !Basic rules of capitalization and punctuation are given below. Proper nouns (e.g. James, India, Egypt, Ganga and Everest) always begin with capital letters. A capital letter is used at the beginning of a sentence. A statement and an imperative sentence end with a full stop, where as an interrogative Downloads
Preview and Download !Capitalization Practice . Part One: circle the capitalization errors and add end marks to the sentences. 1. i wonder if there is a Reading test . 2. Some people call it english class . 3. when is history class . 4. do You have a Nickname . 5. Aunt sally said, “get up for school” 6. Downloads
Preview and Download !Capitalization Worksheet 3 With Space Aliens! Part One: Identifying Capitalization Errors Circle the words that should be capitalized. 1. zork left the planet zerg in a spaceship. 2. he went to zonky's intergalactic outpost to get eggs and space milk. 3. strange spacecraft crowded the parking lot at zonky's. Downloads
Preview and Download !CAPITALIZATION Below are six important rules for using capitalization in your writing. Rule #1: Capitalize the first word of every sentence. Rule #2: Capitalize proper nouns (names of people, places and things). Examples: Examples: There are two cups on the table. My best friend is Sarah. Do you have a pen? Downloads
Preview and Download !Grammar and Punctuation Study Guide 3: Capitalization and Punctuation MA/2015 Page 2 Now it’s your turn. Add capital letters where necessary. Exercise 1 1. I discussed the matter with my professor. 2. We were studying Robert Frost’s poem “The death of the hired man”. 3. All grade 12 students take history and english. 4. Downloads
Preview and Download !Capitalization – First Word in a Sentence The first word in a sentence always begins with a capital letter. EXAMPLE : He worked at a bakery. Capitalize the first word in each sentence. 1. our class visited a horse show yesterday. 2. we enjoyed watching the beautiful horses. 3. each horse had its own rider. 4. Downloads
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