the cantonese language (continued) cantonese 6 Chinese is a “tonal” language. This means that in addition to the sounds of the consonants and vowels, the tone with which a syllable is pronounced helps to determine its meaning. The various Chinese dialects are almost exclusively ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Fung, Suk-Yee and Sam-Po Law. 2013. A phonetically annotated corpus of spoken Cantonese: The Hong Kong Cantonese Adult Language Corpus. Newsletter of Chinese Language 92(1): 1–5. Lam, Charles. 2016a. Multiple functions of HAVE in Cantonese: a corpus study. Presented at the 3rd Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL-3), The ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Cantonese Chinese is a language variety spoken in the Special Autonomous Regions of Hong Kong and Macau, where it is the official language, and in Southern China and various diaspora communities throughout the world. There are approximately 66 million speakers of the language. (Wikipedia) Cantonese is related to many other Downloads
Preview and Download !tonese language data and perform natural language pro-cessing (NLP) tasks, there did not exist an open-source software package dedicated to Cantonese. This pa-per introduces PyCantonese, an open-source Python li-brary for Cantonese linguistics and natural language processing.1 PyCantonese prioritizes ease of use in legal terms. It Downloads
Preview and Download !language worksheets are available in editable .rtf documents as well as print friendly .pdf files, or preview them in your web browser. Check out the ereadingworksheets! You can post these files to your classroom website or page, assign them for homework or extra credit, and Downloads
Preview and Download !Some researchers insist that easy language negates worksheets’ abilities to challenge students and offer opportunities of language acquisition (Hayes, Wolfer, & Wolfe, 1996). In addition, although there are rules for controlling the reading demand, according to Reid’s (1984) study, only about 30% of worksheet writers checked ... Downloads
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