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2. Bernie was depressed about his fortieth birthday his spirits improved, however, when he opened his presents. 3. Drivers must always remain alert it's hard to predict, I think, what people will do when they get behind a wheel. 4. The city has adjusted its traffic regulations to accommodate bicycles for example most avenues now have clearly Downloads
Preview and Download !Exercise 4 – Progressive Tenses In the following sentences, change the simple tense verbs to progressive tense verbs using the same time period (present, past, future). Downloads
Preview and Download !ANSWER KEY The Farmer's Great Day by Roy Kindelberger Draw lines to match the words from the story with their meanings. 1. crops a. animal that makes milk 2. barn b. food and plants that farmers grow 3. birthday c. birthday treat 4. cow d. place where farmers keep animals Downloads
Preview and Download !Three children each contributed toward a birthday present for their mother. The oldest contributed three times as much as the youngest, while the second oldest contributed 50 cents more than the youngest. If the present costs $10.50, how much did each contribute? 21. At a school game, student tickets were 50 cents each and adult tickets were $1 ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Please visit our site for worksheets and charts (Key) Preposition Worksheet 1. in 2. at 3. in 4. in 5. in 6. in 7. on 8. at 9. in Downloads
Preview and Download !“Some birthday this is turning out to be,” thought Sam. Instead of wishing him a happy birthday, Sam’s friends had been very quiet around him all day. At the baseball game this morning, all of his friends were whispering in the dugout, but they stopped when Sam walked up. Even his sister did not seem to want to talk to him. Downloads
Preview and Download !1. Creating a birthday card for a friend. Desktop Publishing 2. Balancing your checkbook. Spreadsheet 3. Finding information on pyramids. Research 4. Playing solitaire. Entertainment 5. Calculating Math Spreadsheet 6. Keeping an address book. Database 7. Writing an essay. Word Processing 8. Making a newsletter. Desktop Publishing 9. Writing a ... Downloads
Preview and Download !A Birthday Party Lisa went to a birthday party on Saturday. There were many girls there. They played a lot of great games at the party. Then they had dessert. All of the girls got balloons as party favors. Lisa loved her red balloon. Questions: Circle the correct answers: 1. Lisa went to a ( slumber / birthday ) party on Saturday. 2. Downloads
Preview and Download !Birthday party invitation 1. What’s the word? Write the word under the pictures. birthday party date street time telephone birthday 2. Read and circle! Read the birthday party invitation and circle the examples of the top tips. Top tips for writing birthday party invitations! 1. Start the invitation To + name . 2. Start days and months with a Downloads
Preview and Download !Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Recognizing and Recalling Activities ... Downloads
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