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Preview and Download !Social Studies Resources – Second Grade Georgia, My State Curriculum Map (from Georgia Standards.Org) Units from GSO Unit 1 - Using Connecting Themes in Second Grade Social Studies Unit 2 - Our Georgia Government Jeopardy Unit 3 - Georgia's First People Unit 4 - Georgia Becomes a Colony Downloads
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Preview and Download !Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Grade 2 §110.4. English Language Arts and Reading §111.4. Mathematics §112.13. Science §113.13. Social Studies §114.4. Languages Other Than English §115.4. Health Education §116.4. Physical Education §117.108. Art §117.109. Music §117.110. Theatre §126.6. Technology Applications §110.4. Downloads
Preview and Download !Social Studies Second Grade Standards: • 6.1.4.A.1 Explain how rules and laws created by community, state, and national governments protect the rights of people, help resolve conflicts, and promote the common good. • 6.1.4.A.2 Explain how fundamental rights guaranteed by the United States Downloads
Preview and Download !Across 1) Our nation offers liberty and for all. Down 9) Our lists our basic rights. is government by the people. 4) The makes laws to protect people. Downloads
Preview and Download !Across 1) Black History Month celebrates African Down 2) The 3) My 8) It is his ran in front to guide the others. has pictures for each month. Downloads
Preview and Download !Illinois Learning Standards for Social Science-2nd Grade History Standards Change, Continuity, and Context SS.H.1.2: Summarize changes that have occurred in the local community over time. Perspectives SS.H.2.2: Compare individuals and groups who have shaped a significant historical change. Historical Sources and Evidence Downloads
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