• the content area code (e.g., SS for Social Studies), • the grade level or high school content area, and • the standard. Illustration: SS.3.1 refers to Social Studies, grade 3, standard 1. SS.W.20 refers to high school World Studies standard 20. Abbreviations: W – World Studies US – United States Studies
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Preview and Download !Social Studies • Social Studies 5.3.1— When given a latitude degree and month, the students will select appropriate clothing that corresponds with the location and will explain if the line is above, or below the equator getting 3 out of 4 correct. • Social Studies 5.3.2— After discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using maps,
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Preview and Download !WORLD GEOGRAPHY •While this is not a required course for graduation, we recommend all 9th graders take the course. •Geography is an academic elective that counts towards HOPE scholarship and GPA •Geography will prepare students to be successful on future Milestones, Gateway tests and help bridge the gap between Middle School Social Studies and World History
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Preview and Download !Across 1) We charted a 4) From my and chronology of events. college is important. Down 2) He has the same and belief as I do. 3) The of a paragraph is in the topic sentence.
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Preview and Download !6. Identify situations in which social actions are required and determine an appropriate course of action. 7. Work to influence those in positions of power to strive for extensions of freedom, social justice, and human rights. 8. Fulfill social and political responsibilities associated with citizenship in a democratic society
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Preview and Download !groups to social, political, economic, cultural, scientific, technological, and religious practices and activities • explore the lifestyles, beliefs, traditions, rules and laws, and social/cultural needs and wants of people during different periods in history and in different parts of the world
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Preview and Download !Grade 6 Social Studies Review Guide . Grade 6 – Social Studies Review . Concepts to be Familiar With: Introduction/Getting Started: • Democracy • Majority rule • Justice, equity, representation, freedoms – 4 principles • Representative/Direct democracy
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